Bartre & Canas

C Support

Bartre: Oi! Come here, punk!
Canas: W-What is it?
Bartre: What’s with that get-up? Are you another one of those magic types?
Canas: Err, well… I do dabble in the dark arts…
Bartre: Dark arts? What’s that?!
Canas: Ah, well it’s quite interesting, really. You see, there are several types of magic in this cosmos. Monks practice light magic, mages practice anima magic, and we shamans practice elder magic, which some call dark!
Bartre: Nguuoooohhhh!
Canas: W-What’s the matter?!
Bartre: Nnng. Hard words make my head hurt!
Canas: I-I apologize. Did I use… hard words?
Bartre: You callin’ me stupid!?
Canas: No, err, I never meant– No.
Bartre: Right. Well, that’s all right, then. I’m just going to punch that rock over there until my head feels better…
Canas: Righto. Have fun… I guess…

B Support

Bartre: So, it’s you again, magic man.
Canas: Why, hello there!
Bartre: You read a lot of books, huh? What’s that book there?
Canas: Oh, this one? Yes… Well it’s actually… a rather fascinating excursion into cryptopaleontology…
Bartre: Stop!! Say no more!
Canas: Oh, right.
Bartre: That was too close! I don’t care what kind of book it is! But you can kill people with that book, right?
Canas: Ah, no. Actually this is not a dark tome…
Bartre: What? Then what good is it on the battlefield?
Canas: Well, no good at all, I suppose.
Bartre: What?! That makes no sense! Why are you reading it then?
Canas: Why, for the thrill of new knowledge, I guess. Man lives for the joy of new ideas, doesn’t he?
Bartre: Ummm…Uhh. I see. See, like, I try to eat all I can after a battle. And this is, like, the same thing, right?
Canas: Yes, well…perhaps. I suppose.
Bartre: So, that’s…that’s what you do, right? I like you, magic man! I hope you learn everything and stuff!
Canas: Well…I shall try. Err, thank you.

A Support

Bartre: Hnnh? What’s the matter, magic man? You don’t look so good…
Canas: Yes, well, I am a bit fatigued, actually. You know, scholars are not used to such strenuous activity.
Bartre: Your body turned to mush because you read too much, magic man.
Canas: Yes… I suppose that’s one way of putting it.
Bartre: Well then! I’ll whip you into shape!
Canas: Ah, no! Please. Really, I don’t think–
Bartre: Don’t worry about it! It’s no bother for me! In exchange, you can just lend me one of those books!
Canas: A-A book?
Bartre: Yeah. Maybe… a skinny one.
Canas: …… Are you…going to…eat it?
Bartre: Are you calling me stupid!?
Canas: No! Nothing of the sort!
Bartre: Warriors must become strong!
Canas: Ah…yes.
Bartre: My body is powerful, but your body has brains. We have different paths, but we both fight bravely. We can help each other along our different paths.
Canas: Why…yes! You’re probably right… Well, it seems I may have much to learn from you. I look forward to it…
Bartre: Nnh. Yeah! But first, wait! Punch me as hard as you can!