Sakura: *Sniff!* Oh, all those people... Niles: (Is that Princess Sakura? She's even prettier when she cries...) Princess Sakura? What's the matter? Sakura: Oh, Niles! I...I was just thinking of all those wounded soldiers today... I tried to help as many as I could, it just still didn't feel like enough. Niles: No matter how many soldiers get injured, there's still only one of you. It's madness to think you could heal every last one! Sakura: Maybe...but if only I could soothe them or put their minds at ease. I don't know how much longer I can stand watching my friends get hurt. Niles: Hmm... Then I guess you don't have a choice, do you? If you don't like seeing people get wounded, stay off the battlefield. What good are you if all you do is stand there and mope about it? Sakura: You're right. The only solution is to stay home and give it all up. B-but could I really do that? If I'm choosing between being useless and being useful...I choose the latter. Niles: Don't be a fool! Sakura: W-what?! Niles: Oh, Princess Sakura... So naive... Think about it. Every time you heal a soldier, they must return to the fray. Sakura: I, uh...and? Niles: And that soldier is bound to get injured again. So what's the point? Sakura: ...Oh, Niles. You're pretty clever. Niles: Huh? Sakura: The point is we all keep fighting, no matter how much it hurts us. Even me. You used a little reverse psychology on me, didn't you? That was nice of you. Niles: Nice? Heh heh! You know me, always trying to do a good deed. Sakura: It's so sweet of you to worry about me. But I shouldn't be distracting you with my tears. Niles: (Ha! If only she knew how much I liked the distraction...) (This plan really backfired, didn't it?) That's right. I just think you need to toughen up a bit. Then next time you cry, it'll make it all the more satisfying. Sakura: You're right! Wait...what do you mean by satisfying? Niles: Oh, you'll find out eventually. Sakura: O-OK...I-I'll look forward to it. See you later! Niles: Hmm... She sure keeps me on my toes. Let's see where this little relationship takes us, shall we? Maybe one day she'll come crying right into my arms...