Tiki: Zzz... Zzz... Celica: What's Tiki doing napping without a blanket? She'll catch a cold. She looks so innocent when she sleeps. Just like a normal little girl. I can't believe such terrible power resides in such a small body... Tiki: Are you scared of me, Celica? Celica: Tiki! You're awake? Tiki: Does dragon Tiki scare you? It's OK if you want me to keep my distance Celica: No, I don't want that. It's not that I think you're scary. I was just thinking how strange it is that you can become so powerful. Tiki: But it's not strange at all. All Manaketes can turn into dragons. Celica: It may be normal for you, Tiki... but there are no Manaketes where I'm from. Tiki: No? That's too bad. What's your world like, anyway? I'd love to hear all about it! Celica: Well, I'm from a land called Valentia. It's a continent that was formed by the sibling gods Duma and Mila. Tiki: Whoa, sibling gods... I hope they got along! Celica: Actually, they didn't. They fought often. Duma thought power was everything, but Mila just wanted to live with nature. Ultimately, they couldn't reconcile, so they split Valentia in half. So two countries came to be: the Rigelian Empire, protected by Duma... and the Kingdom of Zofia, protected by Mila. That was my kingdom. The people of Zofia deemed Mila the Earth Mother. Tiki: Aww, that sounds sweet...but why? Celica: Because she protects the land like a mother. She's actually a bit like you. Tiki: That doesn't sound like me! What do you mean? Celica: Well, on the one hand, she's sweet and gentle--she blesses the land and people. But she also possesses tremendous power. Just like you. Tiki: I don't know, Celica. I think you're more like Mila than I am. Celica: What makes you say that? Tiki: You're kind and strong, like a mother. It's what I like most about you. I'd love to see your home kingdom someday. Celica: Well then, by all means. You have an open invitation to Valentia. I'll show you all the sights, and we'll go to the Temple of Mila. Tiki: Yay! I love sightseeing! Celica: And I love talking about Zofia. So...I can't wait to show you around!