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really embarrassing moments with a crush


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Interactions with my school crushes have led to an almost- no, complete universal failure whenever I tried to make a move or do something proactive about it.

When I was 6 years old, and having just moved from a city which, even at kindergarden age, was surprisingly super mature and was cool about boys liking girls, I thought all girls and boys were on the same level of "maturity". Heck, I even had a "girlfriend" at the age of 5!

Pretty much my first time telling a girl that I liked her in grade 1 from this new school in a new province led to hysterical laughter on her part with a side of "ew boys are gross" cringe. She told her friends and I became that guy who liked girls. That lasted for a solid 3-4 years.

Another time in grade 7, I was crushing on another classmate. And word spread that I liked her and I wanted to ask her out on a date. I was downstairs chilling at recess and my dudes chased me down and literally -and I won't forget this-

said "You have been summoned." I walked up the stairs and she was standing across from me awkwardly waiting with literally the rest of the class. In retrospect, it was super forced and I think I got set up just to be made fun of later. I asked her out really confidently and she looked down, giggled awkwardly and said "I don't know" and then went back to her girlfriends.

Until grade 11, that was pretty much that last time I would ever ask a girl out.

High school was filled with "I just want to be friends/ you're so nice".But at least I was crushing on not-french immersion girls who weren't a hive mind and had the decency not to tell all of their friends!


Aaah, school... university is so much better. Y'all got any stories?

Edited by Ghastly
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Eh, why not?

In grades 1-3, I had what could be considered a girlfriend now, though I didn't know what a "date" was back then. She moved away in 2004 and haven't seen her since, but we're still friends over Facebook.

In grade 7, I actually had a girl come after me. Me! Didn't think I had it in me! Unfortunately, I learned of the "No dating until you're 16" rule in between grades 4-6, so I had to turn her down. A lot.

High school... was awkward. Every girl I asked turned me down by saying "I have plans," "I already have a boyfriend," or just flat out "no." I asked out, like, 10 girls. Eventually, I managed to get one to go out with me, though.

Back to that girl from 7th grade, I decided to try and make up for not being able to go out with her. Still trying, actually. She's playing a VERY good game of hard to get.

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i never really had crushes until now being in my teen age years. Of coarse my first crush had to be someone I was pretty good friends with and also very straight. It's not nice, especially when you sit beside him in like 90% of classes.

Not a very interesting story I know.

Really crushes in high school fucking suck, especially if your gay since either the only other gay guy wont go out with you or there are none. I can't wait till I am legal so I can start going to bars to actually meet people.

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This year I went to Homecoming with my crush because I asked him out and stuffs. I'm surprised he accepted my offer. And we, surprisingly acted like a couple and the people around us told us to kiss and they shipped it so hard and I was beet red with embarrassment. And then my friend who was also there started to take pictures of us together and she was questioning if we were dating, which was funny.

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This year I went to Homecoming with my crush because I asked him out and stuffs. I'm surprised he accepted my offer. And we, surprisingly acted like a couple and the people around us told us to kiss and they shipped it so hard and I was beet red with embarrassment. And then my friend who was also there started to take pictures of us together and she was questioning if we were dating, which was funny.

I ship

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Lol in 4th and 5th grade I was "dating" someone (not really because its two ten year olds) and she was "cheating" on me and three other boys, so I dumped her on Valentine's Day. I cringe at those years. Not too long ago I confessed to a girl I was already friends with and she gave me a super ambiguous answer. She's just like, "ok". Whatever.

Someone asked me out in like middle school and I say no, so they tried to hit me with a metal bowl. Good times

WTF? Thats more than a crush.
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Lol in 4th and 5th grade I was "dating" someone (not really because its two ten year olds) and she was "cheating" on me and three other boys, so I dumped her on Valentine's Day. I cringe at those years. Not too long ago I confessed to a girl I was already friends with and she gave me a super ambiguous answer. She's just like, "ok". Whatever. WTF? Thats more than a crush.

You're right. That's a bash.

I haven't had that many crushez. I can think of two I..."approached?" Neither took me up on it. There was also one other girl I approached, but only bc I was pressured into it - wasn't interested

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idk usually i get over crushes after 3 days or so

so its not an issue for me

which is kinda boring but w/e

but ye ive been asked out, and depending on the person i either act like a bitch (those creepy guys who you barely know) or try 2 be nice, meaning i say no

Edited by piichinu
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I was home schooled, so I never had crushes when I was younger. When I went to college I would have some but I would always find out that they had girlfriends. My problem is i attract older guys (like old enough to be my dad) and I hate it. I don't wear make up I dress modestly and I try to be friendly to guys my own age, but the only guys that hit on me are too old and I don't want to go out with. I guess where I live only older guys like woman with curves and it sucks.

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I completely misread the topic of this post, I think. In terms of actual crushes, I only have one right now, but I asked out just about any girl I met that I liked in high school. (I know, I'm the resident Inigo :P) I haven't had too many experiences, and the ones I had aren't really noteworthy.

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I... haven't actually had a lot of crushes. When I was younger I was that little shit who thought he liked anyone that was around his age, but I never really did anything because I'm home schooled and, while I am fine talking to people, romantically speaking I am not very experienced. Recently however, I was talking with this girl I like at my dance class and, one thing led to another, she said she was sorry for being an uninterested bitch. She wasn't wrong, but I didn't know what to say and just sorta walked away. I made up later that night and I think she likes me.

Edited by punk emblem
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I thought they were called that since they crush your heart into little pieces ;_;

That's what I mean.

Your LOVE won't work out, therefore it CRUSHES your heart to think about it. not all the time, but you know what I mean.

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I think all the stories you've told us so far, none were actually your fault. It's just kids being dumb.

Anyway, I think when we're younger, we worry about everything. Like, what they're going to think about *insert stupid thing here*. And you seemed pretty brave about it, too. I would've died halfway there.

Nowadays, I don't care much what people think.

Oh hey other homeschooled peeps

I'll never understand why it's so common for kids in the U.S to be homeschooled. That, and that weird thing of keeping your kids on a leash. Like, a literal leash. Edited by Soul o:
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Uhhh... I've had plenty of crushes, but the first one was probably in sixth grade. And even then, I think it was forced. Most of my crushes happened in my twenties and they were most likely crap I did to fill a certain voice in my life. And terrible mistakes. Most of them were online though. And then my last crush turned into love and yeah. \o/

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I'll never understand why it's so common for kids in the U.S to be homeschooled. That, and that weird thing of keeping your kids on a leash. Like, a literal leash.

I don't believe I've been kept on a leash, metaphorical or otherwise.

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