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So how much more difficult do paralogues get?


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I heard that Deepwoods paralogues get more difficult around chapter 10. So I've been doing other stuff when I was at chapter 9, more to get people together than anything else.

But even though nobody is at S rank with their relationship yet (it's kind of hard when your strategy is "spread out and deal with your own things"), part of me wants to get back to the story. And some won't even see their future wife/husband until a few chapters later.

So what I'm asking is how much harder will the paralogues get when they start to get difficult?

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I heard that Deepwoods paralogues get more difficult around chapter 10. So I've been doing other stuff when I was at chapter 9, more to get people together than anything else.

But even though nobody is at S rank with their relationship yet (it's kind of hard when your strategy is "spread out and deal with your own things"), part of me wants to get back to the story. And some won't even see their future wife/husband until a few chapters later.

So what I'm asking is how much harder will the paralogues get when they start to get difficult?

In short, everyone gains one more level by chapter, and if they are in a basic class, they'll promote when they would reach level 21.

Children don't promote but gain their Seal (can't remember the name) after reaching level 20+ (after chapter 18, in general.)

Starting at Chapter 19, everyone is promoted except the children, which makes some chapters far harder (Ignatius, Shiro and Selkie gets harder. Siegfried too if you're not playing Casual Mode. Sophie too, especially if you want to protect the Villagers, who never get any level.)

So Chapter 18 (before doing the ch18 Map) is generally the ideal time to get most of the children

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The ideal time to get the kids is anytime after chapter 18 as they will get the Offspring Seal. It will save you the trouble of raising the child to a certain level.

I don't know your level of skill, but the only Paralogue that you might want to do early is for Ignatius. Things can get annoying the further you are in the game.

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Personally, I find the Offspring Seal fails to make up for the fact that the paralogues in general get significantly more irritating after chapter 18, and I thus believe they're best recruited between chapter 15 and 18 (especially Forrest and Ignatius, among others).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Personally, I find the Offspring Seal fails to make up for the fact that the paralogues in general get significantly more irritating after chapter 18, and I thus believe they're best recruited between chapter 15 and 18 (especially Forrest and Ignatius, among others).

I wouldn't say that they all get significantly more irritating.

The Hoshidan Paralogues are really easy even if underleveled.

For the shared Children, Sophie's would probably be the hardest and that chapter is still pretty easy.

The Nohrian Paralogues aren't that bad either with the exception of Forrest and Ignatius. Soleil's isn't hard with a good defensive unit. Ophelia's is probably the easiest in my opinion since it's a small map and two or three good units will just dominate. Velouria's is best done with a healing skill like renewal so you can take advantage of the dragon veins. Siegbert's isn't hard either if you take say 4 or 5 dragon vein users. If you use the dragon veins in Percy's paralogue right it will be pretty darn easy as he is a rather weak boss.

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I wouldn't say that they all get significantly more irritating.

The Hoshidan Paralogues are really easy even if underleveled.

For the shared Children, Sophie's would probably be the hardest and that chapter is still pretty easy.

The Nohrian Paralogues aren't that bad either with the exception of Forrest and Ignatius. Soleil's isn't hard with a good defensive unit. Ophelia's is probably the easiest in my opinion since it's a small map and two or three good units will just dominate. Velouria's is best done with a healing skill like renewal so you can take advantage of the dragon veins. Siegbert's isn't hard either if you take say 4 or 5 dragon vein users. If you use the dragon veins in Percy's paralogue right it will be pretty darn easy as he is a rather weak boss.

I still think that most of them except for Kana and Rhajat are fucking terrible to do late. Especially on the Hoshido side thanks to most Hoshidans breaking (AKA, dying) in like two to three hits. No way in the seven hells would I consider an Offspring Seal nearly enough of a reward when I'm rope-a-doped into having to walk on eggshells. Also, Percy's another one I'd consider best done early because of cash money and Seal Defence.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I still think that most of them except for Kana and Rhajat are fucking terrible to do late. Especially on the Hoshido side thanks to most Hoshidans breaking (AKA, dying) in like two to three hits. No way in the seven hells would I consider an Offspring Seal nearly enough of a reward when I'm rope-a-doped into having to walk on eggshells. Also, Percy's another one I'd consider best done early because of cash money and Seal Defence.

The Hoshidan units are fragile, but they do have high avoidance. Selkie doesn't have a problem with her chapter with her great avoidance rate. Kiragi has the advantage with a bow in his paralogue, his stats aren't too bad either. Mitama shouldn't be too hard either since she's in no danger and that makes it an easy chapter to just turtle your way through. Hisame's chapter sucks because of the muck, but with a flier or two he should be in no real danger. My memory of Asugi's chapter is a bit foggy so I can't say much for that. Shiro would be the one that I would get early just because that enemy near him can sometimes double.

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The Hoshidan units are fragile, but they do have high avoidance. Selkie doesn't have a problem with her chapter with her great avoidance rate. Kiragi has the advantage with a bow in his paralogue, his stats aren't too bad either. Mitama shouldn't be too hard either since she's in no danger and that makes it an easy chapter to just turtle your way through. Hisame's chapter sucks because of the muck, but with a flier or two he should be in no real danger. My memory of Asugi's chapter is a bit foggy so I can't say much for that. Shiro would be the one that I would get early just because that enemy near him can sometimes double.

Bold: Stopped reading there. You'd have to be out of it to imply that high evade makes up for crap defense in this game, where avoid is a lot less reliable.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I didn't found Forrest Chapter that hard, because you have Xander. And once Xander (paired up if needed) destroyed the only menace to Forrest, your set.

I had far more trouble with Sophie's chapter (and Ignatius is Hell.)

It requires some thinking, but that's not the hardest chapter.(Gazzak doesn't move after all.)

I can't say anything for the Hoshidian kid yet, since I didn't do their chapters yet.

Edited by Tamanoir
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I'm right now between chapter 22 and chapter 23 of Revelation hard mode, the kids paralogues have promoted enemies at lv8 and kids autolevel with the seal to lv8 too. I'm actually feeling the chapters very easy. Right now I'm playing Soleil's one, here is an enemy from the chapter:


I only lost one NPC for now, but my priority is Soleil and she is fine with me right now, so, it's ok if I lost one or two NPCs. Before this I did Sophie's chapter and I managed to save all the NPC's with no problem.

For what I heard, the most the kids can autolevel is promoted lv18 if you recruit them before Chapter 27, probably the enemies are at lv18 too if they are similar to the kids.

Really, I think the best is to decide when to do the chapters based on your gameplay and what you know about the chapters, if you consider you can't do the chapters with enemies at lv10, then do the paralogues around chapter 18 of the main story, but if you consider you can do it, then wait a bit more... I'm actually a terrible player but here I am feeling that I could have waited more for a bit more of difficulty in these paralogues.

The only ones that can give you some problem are Shiro (but you only need a good use of Rescue) and Ignatius (because ninjas and he is near as slow as his dad) . Maybe Asugi since you can't talk to him, he moves every turn and you need to finish the chapter before he escape or he get attacked, so the difficulty here is only the time you take to move, you need to keep moving while defeating the enemies and activating the Dragon Veins, it's actually not that hard, but you can take lot of time or he will escape

Edited by SniperGYS
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I didn't found Forrest Chapter that hard, because you have Xander. And once Xander (paired up if needed) destroyed the only menace to Forrest, your set.

I had far more trouble with Sophie's chapter (and Ignatius is Hell.)

It requires some thinking, but that's not the hardest chapter.(Gazzak doesn't move after all.)

I can't say anything for the Hoshidian kid yet, since I didn't do their chapters yet.

I dunno about you, but dealing with Berserkers, Sorcerers and Wary Fighter Generals doesn't sound like my idea of a fun time, even if I have Xander. . .

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The sweet spot (at least for me) is between Chapter 18 - 21.

18 is the last Chapter where most enemies stay unprompted and (in all Routes), you'll have the Royal Older Brother to help you plow through. This is when I'd recommend doing the paralogues where the kids are in legit danger (Shiro, Selkie, Asugi, Forrest and Ignatius.). Siegbert's is also super annoying late (because infinitely spawning Ninja's and Mechanists are the opposite of fun). Percy's Paralogue is basically made to make Money, but the enemies are incredibly problematic later in the game (especially on higher difficulties due to various "Seal Skills" they equip), so I would actually do this one as early as you feel comfortable (I think I did it around Chapter 16 in Conquest.) Sophie's also counts if you want to put up with keeping garbage A.I. Villagers alive in order to get an Energy Drop and a Partner Seal (or is it a Friendship Seal? I forgot). It's your call, but I almost never actually try and save them personally.

Chapter 21 is when the Offspring Seal will not only give the kids their 2nd Tier Promoted Skill (i.e. a Great Knight would instantly learn Luna), but it also sets their secondary Weapon Ranks up to D, which is surprisingly helpful. After 21, the ones I find easiest to do late game are Kana, Dwyer, Shigure and Midori. The former because of the generally low enemy density (as long as you don't wait for the Bandit Bros) and the latter 3 due to the fact that you can end both of them at practically any time if they become too overwhelming.

Edited by Avalanche
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Unless you plan on doing something like using up Rescue staff charges or nuking the paralogues with stat capped promoted Einherjar units, I'd go for before completing Ch. 18 at which there's still unpromoted enemy units on the maps.

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You'd have to be out of it to imply that high evade makes up for crap defense in this game, where avoid is a lot less reliable.

Or you might have actually used avoid-heavy units and found them decently reliable if needing some work (HP Tonics mostly).

Seriously, I've had no problems using avoid-reliant units in BR on Hard. You just need to know the situations (and enemies) your putting them up against.

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For what I heard, the most the kids can autolevel is promoted lv18 if you recruit them before Chapter 27, probably the enemies are at lv18 too if they are similar to the kids.

At Chapter 27, Your Unit will have B+(Around halfway through) in their main weapon(s) and C+(Around 1/4~1/3 through) in their secondary one. once they use theyr Offsprong Seal.

I dunno about you, but dealing with Berserkers, Sorcerers and Wary Fighter Generals doesn't sound like my idea of a fun time, even if I have Xander. . .

The map is a real pain.

But I'm not sure whether the ennemy is promoted changes that much overall.

Especially for Nohr when I'm not sure if your main army is promoted at Chapter 18.

My point is that if this chapter is hard, it's more for reasons mainly outside of the ennemy being promoted, not that this is an easy chapter

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If you're on Normal, do them whenever. If you wait until Chapter 27 their offspring seals will promote them to level 18 advanced class. On Hard, I would get some of the more annoying ones done early (e.g. Shiro, Siegbert, Selkie). On Lunatic, I would do them as soon as possible. Literally just as soon as you recruit their dad.

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Or you might have actually used avoid-heavy units and found them decently reliable if needing some work (HP Tonics mostly).

Seriously, I've had no problems using avoid-reliant units in BR on Hard. You just need to know the situations (and enemies) your putting them up against.

The issue is, with Fates being Low HP Emblem, and avoid tanking being a lot less viable thanks to the RNG, I wouldn't really consider having to walk on eggshells because most everyone can take two hits at most before suffering an untimely death fun. When I played Birthright and got into lategame, I found that the number of units I could reliably tank with was one I could count on one hand.

The map is a real pain.

But I'm not sure whether the ennemy is promoted changes that much overall.

Especially for Nohr when I'm not sure if your main army is promoted at Chapter 18.

My point is that if this chapter is hard, it's more for reasons mainly outside of the ennemy being promoted, not that this is an easy chapter

Well, if it is hard as is, I'd easily consider waiting until the enemy promotes to be an unwise move - dealing with at least half the map being in enhanced crit classes or classes with high Skill ain't fun.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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if we wanna bring personal experience into the avoid/hit thing then i've seen ryouma die alot more then i've seen xander die.

sure ryouma has better offence and dodge, but he dies in 2 hits, maybe three if the game is generous, and if the game decides to give you the middle finger, then you have to take that middle finger up the ass.

meanwhile xander shouldn't have a chance of dying if you play smart due to his high HP and defense, if you throw him into a crowd of mages then complain that he died then you are bad at fire emblem.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Personally, if you're playing on Revelation, right after Chapter 17 is your best time to start getting the kids. You can also use Scarlet for them and make her statue before plot kicks in (if you're a min-maxer like me, this is actually somewhat important).

I dont really find that much issue with doing the Children's Paralogues late, but I will admit Velouria's is very frustrating sometimes.

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I just started doing all the paralogues at chapter 21 (I wanted to get lvl3 Rod Shop first) and I'm having trouble with most of them. If you want it easy you really need to do them earlier.

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Depends on the paralogue imo. I end up doing Shiro's lateish on Revelation due to Ryoma's join time and grinding support for him and his wife of choice (Elise.) I don't really recommend doing it late but I never had a personal problem with his paralogue. Ignatius's is pretty bad though. Overall I didn't really have trouble with most of them. The 'hardest' ones were probably Siegbert's, Shiro's, Ignatius's, and Selkie's. Overall I tend to get the Offspring Seal out of personal choice. I do it with Elise!Shiro to get him to Basara, then I usually seal him over to Dark Flier.

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Does it cap at a certain chapter? I'm at 21 and it's doable but I rather not make it much harder.

It keeps scaling until chapter 27.

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