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Who should Robin father?


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So in my current playthrough, I am trying to determine who my Robin should marry to that will give him Morgan and an additional child (I always went with waifus that didn't give second children cause I liked them better). But I haven't really decided on who. It's less about which waifu I like and just who I think it would be fun to have Robin as father. I am not trying to min-max or something. It could be for any reason. Maybe I could make the perfect Gerome everyone talks about. Maybe I can pass down tactician to Laurent cause he is an aspiring tactician. Maybe I should go for Lissa because Owain and Morgan makes the perfect scatterbrained sibing duo.

So yeah, who should I go for?

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Here's a piece of advice don't go Brady,

not because he's bad, rather the opposite, Brady is actually is on the best kids( he's one of my favorites), but he gets everything he needs from Maribelle, so he really doesn't need Robin, at least when it comes to classes.

Edited by Water Mage
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Sumia. The support is actually pretty cute, and I feel like Sumia works with Robin the best out of all of her supports... Besides maybe Henry. And it helps Cynthia seems less completely stupid for falling for the "Fake Chrom" trick. Also, Cynthia gets to actually be a good older sibling in the Morgan support.

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I generally go with Owain or Cynthia when I'm using M!Robin. Sumia has one of the support chains I like (and Cynthia is the cutest daughter) and Owain is one of the Galeforce kids and benefits nicely from the Robin's genes!

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The one time I played a male avatar I went with Cordelia and got God tier Severa.

EDIT: You can also make her an angry Sailor Moon / Hatsune Miku dependent on your hair color choice.

Edited by Crysta
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*Lissa & Owain bias levels approaching critical*

I say Owain, because he deserves it dammit. +Spd -Def Avatar as father gives him capped 50/50 Str and Mag as a DF (Limit Broken), and ~60ish Skl iirc, and with Ignis that effectively gives him about 75 Str or Mag when it activates. Also I like making the Geelfurse Performer Boys into Dread Fightahs, and this is the only real way to have a mixed Owain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm gonna give Laurent a shot. For my next playthrough, I'm tempted to try Panne's son, Yarne. What stat should pick as my asset to best make this a killer team?!

Edited by Ravi
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Speed Asset, perhaps a Luck or Defense flaw.

Speed is killer, especially on the Avatar who otherwise is mostly another 1st gen character. And if you use the right combinations, 2nd gen characters can be extremely fast, such as when paired with Cordelia or Panne.

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If were going purely based of supports then I have to second the Cynthia one (so much bias for my second avatar pairing).

Still I've just recently done Sully x MMU and it gives a few cool ideas. For example Kjelle never learns to ride in the future past, yet Morgan starts with a horse and has learnt to ride. You can have so many interpreations for it. Would Kjelle feel some bitterness towards her little sister for it? You can have a lot of personal interpretation with this support.

Plus not enough people marry Sully as is, she's not the best sure, but she's pretty cool support wise.

Gameplaywise after some discussion seems she's good for Lunatic if that counts for anything?

Though Miriel is never a bad choice, I love her supports and having a family of OP magic users is always fun!

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If were going purely based of supports then I have to second the Cynthia one (so much bias for my second avatar pairing).

Still I've just recently done Sully x MMU and it gives a few cool ideas. For example Kjelle never learns to ride in the future past, yet Morgan starts with a horse and has learnt to ride. You can have so many interpreations for it. Would Kjelle feel some bitterness towards her little sister for it? You can have a lot of personal interpretation with this support.

Plus not enough people marry Sully as is, she's not the best sure, but she's pretty cool support wise.

Gameplaywise after some discussion seems she's good for Lunatic if that counts for anything?

Though Miriel is never a bad choice, I love her supports and having a family of OP magic users is always fun!

Hoh, I mainly thought about that in context of Severa (Sev jealous of not being able to do anything while her whole family are genuises) or Inigo (being unconfident when his father and sister are so great). Never thought Kjelle could have such issues.

OP magic FTW!

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  • 1 month later...

I shipped Male MU with Cherche. Initially I was going to do MU x Tharja, but I stopped after how disturbing the conversation was on B-level. After seeing the backstory of Cherche and Minerva's love issues, how MU would overcome his fear of Minerva, and how the conversation went naturally (at least for me), I think I made the right choice. On my second and current run, I'm going to do Cherche x Fredrick and Say'ri x Male MU

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Robin should father literally everyone.


On a more serious note, I married my Robin to Olivia. Inigo's basically a second Morgan. He does get really good stuff though, from Robin. Although canonically, it's not really that great? Because the Father and Inigo support, one of them is like the dad chewing out Inigo... I always felt that Lon'qu or Chrom were better suited to be his father, personally. But Robin works as well.

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Father Severa (Robin x Cordelia).

+MAG (or RES, but why would you do that when you have +MAG) asset gives Severa and Robin +5 SPD, while +SPD gives both +7 SPD.

Granted, Sumia lets you get +8, but that would force you into taking a much slower Lucina/Cynthia pair; I'd say go Sumia x Chrom for +5 SPD Cynthia and +5 Spd Lucina, then go +MAG or +SPD for +5 or +7 SPD Morgan and Severa. You also get a Galeforce wife with a proc (Vengeance) out of the deal.

I mean, CzarYoshi has offered a pretty convincing case that a +SPD Valkyrie Morgan/Severa [which hits 50 SPD before Limit Breaker, rallies, tonics, or pair-ups] hits 75 after the generic Limit/rally/tonic/pair-up boosts are considered, letting them easily double everything on the map. +MAG does a similar thing, except they have higher magic but need SPD+2 or All+2 to do it. You can also get a Wyvern Lord to 75 Spd with a +8 SPD support [Hero, Berserker, Bow Knight, etc.].

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