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Almost OC Mafia - Game Over


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GP, why are you so recalcitrant to vote? You don't even have an RVS vote out ATM despite having several posts out.

There's plenty of people who come off as passive-aggressive as town or as scum here on SF. This isn't a relevant point.

The two cases are different. You're relying on meta, whereas GP is just picking at a bad play. I see nothing wrong with GP's 'case' from a basic standpoint, whereas yours isn't very good because it relies on sketchy meta that Frosty doesn't really have.

Town wouldn't be passive aggressive in that situation, especially newb town. I don't like how you're handwaving it with "well, town has been passive aggressive before" because that's completely missing the point (context is a thing).

No, I'm not relying on meta. I'm voting FFM for those same reasons...Anything else I've said on the topic is justifying why I don't think his claim came from a townie's perspective, which is the main issue here (pretty sure everyone would agree that his claim was bad).

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I don't see FFM being so passive aggressive as town.

Quick jump from what, a baseless RVS vote?

I felt like it was a quick jump from RVS to super cereal on FFM over something pretty small and imo not that scummy. Partially because he is FFM though and he's been known to do stuff similiar to how he reacted before.

It's not a meta read. To clarify, I don't see why town would be passive aggressive in general, especially this early on.

There are plenty of times when town are passive aggressive. Even early on. And you know that. Don't BS Refa.

Actually, I should rephrase:

Shinori, do you believe Refa's haste in responding, and catching that play, is scummy?

I'll vote whom and when I think doing so will be useful. Or are you asking me to vote FFM with you, Poly?

Not necessarily the original vote but how he is acting towards FFM is scummy to me, yes.

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I think Refa was trying to get a kneejerk reaction out of me like Shinori did a game or so ago. Shinori was mafia in that game though so I'm not sure about Refa's alignment at the moment.

I felt like it was a quick jump from RVS to super cereal on FFM over something pretty small and imo not that scummy. Partially because he is FFM though and he's been known to do stuff similiar to how he reacted before.

oh god I'm infamous aren't I

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I felt like it was a quick jump from RVS to super cereal on FFM over something pretty small and imo not that scummy. Partially because he is FFM though and he's been known to do stuff similiar to how he reacted before.

There are plenty of times when town are passive aggressive. Even early on. And you know that. Don't BS Refa.

It is however the scummiest thing that has been done so far.

Town wouldn't be passive aggressive in that situation, especially newb town. I don't like how you're handwaving it with "well, town has been passive aggressive before" because that's completely missing the point (context is a thing).

I bolded the important bits that you somehow missed.

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GP, why are you so recalcitrant to vote? You don't even have an RVS vote out ATM despite having several posts out.

I'm not confident that anyone I could vote based on content at this time is more likely scum than not. I didn't toss out an RVS vote, by choice.

FFM's claim doesn't necessitate that he's scum, and reasonable explanations as to why he would make it have been raised.

What Poly's been saying doesn't sit well with me, probably because I'm personally biased against his queries, but he's scumhunting and exercised discretion in not voting me alongside saying this:

You're relying on meta, whereas GP is just picking at a bad play.

Basically, everyone here is scumhunting, and half the playerlist is unnaccounted for. Why vote when I don't have a case I believe in?

There are plenty of times when town are passive aggressive. Even early on. And you know that. Don't BS Refa.

I think what constitutes passive-aggressive behavior is kind of subjective? What to expect depends more on who we're talking about than their alignment, and it's possible that what some may call a passive-aggressive post from FFM was an expression of frustration at being criticized for claiming early on when he was criticized for doing the opposite in a previous game.

I think Refa was trying to get a kneejerk reaction out of me like Shinori did a game or so ago.

Is there something unfairly self-incriminating about being made to give a "kneejerk reaction"?

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What Poly's been saying doesn't sit well with me, probably because I'm personally biased against his queries

Oh dear. I should've worded this better.

No hard feelings, Poly; I meant to say that your questions looked like the start of a case on me, so I started to be reflexively wary.

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GP, it's not LYLO. You can't get reads without votes, and that leads to the game stagnating (not really the most pro town thing ever); obviously you're not going to be as sure of who's scum early on, but that's just how ED1 is.

Reaction tests aren't scummy and people who say that are dumb, but I'm not pulling a reaction test so it's a moot point.

Anyways, kind of annoyed that my FFM case was blown out of proportions, so leaving for now and hopefully there will actually be other things happening to comment on when I get back.

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##Vote: Refa
1v1 let's go

...except that you CHUMPS started the game while I was in class, so I need to make an actual vote because content :angry:

GP is trying too hard to avoid tying herself down to a vote/reads; she's saying "oh this could maybe be scummy but I'm not really reading it as scum right now, I don't know who is scum so I won't vote..."
This is scummy.
##Vote: Green Poet


Also I'm not done with finals for another ~5 hours, so this will be my only post for the next while (assuming I know what's good for me).

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Sorry, is this referring to a game mechanic?

GP is trying too hard to avoid tying herself down to a vote/reads; she's saying "oh this could maybe be scummy but I'm not really reading it as scum right now, I don't know who is scum so I won't vote..."

This is scummy.


##Vote: Euklyd

There wasn't enough content for me to confidently base a vote on earlier, as is typically seen from the lack of content during ED1.

You're applying a scumtell of hesitancy to vote at a point so early on in the game that it isn't reliable, and you're using it instead of judging and deconstructing any actual content. Your vote doesn't take into account anything else I've said, nor my explanation for not voting, relying on a "this sort of behavior is necessarily scummy" tell rather than what's wrong about what I have pointed about others' posts.

If you just got around to reading this game, I'd expect you to have looked at others' posts and their reads to have a grasp on what everyone's saying, else you're simply picking at whichever apparent scumtell is out in the open and convenient for you to vote on. Right now, you're scum trying to contribute by relying on a false tell.

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GP is totally scummy. There is 0 reason to wait around for more people instead of voting FFM, who GP considers is the scummiest person in the thread atm. Her language wrt him is super waffly, because she just says he's "not pro-town" but then all her comments, like "using his lack of experience to justify his play" makes it look like she finds him suspicious. Her other comments seem very throwaway as well and have no substance behind them, like the chainsaw accusation on Shinori and the comment to Poly asking whether he wants her to vote FFM with him.

And cut by a vote on Euklyd that's OMGUS as fuck.

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Cam, you can't vote people on chainsaw and then not actually give an opinion on the person they're chainsaw defending. What's your opinion on FFM?

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Hello everyone how is your day?

To start off I agree with Poly that BBM's vote bothered me because I don't see the point of his vote in the first place. What makes GP scummy to you BBM? One thing that I want to ask poly, you say that gp case on FFM was fine from a standpoint but then you say that GP was dipping into bad play herself. Are you talking about her further play?

Green Poet I guess is an interesting one. Gp on Frosty's post about his experience did you think it was a scummy post?

PREDITY: Euklyds vote probably worries me the most though. I don't see how not voting for someone is scummy especially at this point in the game where it is important to go over content carefully first before voting someone based off actual content. An experienced player like Eulyd I am sure knows this. He may have just skimmed the game but then why vote in the first place? An experienced player like Eukyld probably knows this.

He totally fails to account for what others have said as well.

##Vote Euklyd

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GP is totally scummy. There is 0 reason to wait around for more people instead of voting FFM, who GP considers is the scummiest person in the thread atm. Her language wrt him is super waffly, because she just says he's "not pro-town" but then all her comments, like "using his lack of experience to justify his play" makes it look like she finds him suspicious. Her other comments seem very throwaway as well and have no substance behind them, like the chainsaw accusation on Shinori and the comment to Poly asking whether he wants her to vote FFM with him.

And cut by a vote on Euklyd that's OMGUS as fuck.

1. I didn't say I found FFM definitively scummy, and he was never my top scumread. You're inventing a lynch priority and calling it mine so that it better suits your case on me.

2. Explain how they're insubstantial. I'm seeing nothing beyond "these statements have no substance."

3. That's subjective. If you want to call any vote in response following another vote OMGUS, all I can do is call out how shoddy a judgment that is.

You're entirely ignoring the case behind my vote, instead opting to pick out only how it comes after Euklyd's vote on myself. In other words, you're being opportunistic and basing your vote on the order posts are made instead of anything the posts talk about.

If I was going to OMGUS vote someone, I'd have voted you last page. I didn't because yours was a solid vote that I could see the reasoning behind, and now I'm starting to doubt that with the opportunism I'm seeing in this post.

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Also not a fan of BBM either. Calling GP scummy when the game has barely left RVS and basically copying Euk's reasoning doesn't really sit well with me.

Criticizing her for not voting when he himself didn't vote is pretty hypocritical too.

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Also not a fan of BBM either. Calling GP scummy when the game has barely left RVS and basically copying Euk's reasoning doesn't really sit well with me.

Criticizing her for not voting when he himself didn't vote is pretty hypocritical too.

because he had voted for gp at beginning of the game.

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Cam, you can't vote people on chainsaw and then not actually give an opinion on the person they're chainsaw defending. What's your opinion on FFM?

it's possible that ffm is scum; claiming like that is certainly anti-town but i wouldn't call it a scum move

i'm voting poly with how aggressively he's pursuing people (sf is too slow so i cbf to remember exactly who he was attacking but i think it was refa? correct me if i'm wrong will find examples when sf isn't a chore to browse)

3. That's subjective. If you want to call any vote in response following another vote OMGUS, all I can do is call out how shoddy a judgment that is.

i don't think omgus means what you think it does

You're entirely ignoring the case behind my vote, instead opting to pick out only how it comes after Euklyd's vote on myself. In other words, you're being opportunistic and basing your vote on the order posts are made instead of anything the posts talk about.

"There wasn't enough content to base a vote on" - so you're going to vote euklyd based on... his single post?

"If you just got around to reading this game [...] Right now, you're scum trying to contribute by relying on a false tell." - pretty bold assertion coming from someone too hesitant to vote over multiple posts of discussion wrt FFM

If I was going to OMGUS vote someone, I'd have voted you last page.


now I'm starting to doubt that with the opportunism I'm seeing in this post.

is he scum?

Green Poet I guess is an interesting one. Gp on Frosty's post about his experience did you think it was a scummy post?

it's been stated that she does

why even ask this

PREDITY: Euklyds vote probably worries me the most though. I don't see how not voting for someone is scummy especially at this point in the game where it is important to go over content carefully first before voting someone based off actual content. An experienced player like Eulyd I am sure knows this. He may have just skimmed the game but then why vote in the first place? An experienced player like Eukyld probably knows this.

He totally fails to account for what others have said as well.

so how does that make him scum?
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it's possible that ffm is scum; claiming like that is certainly anti-town but i wouldn't call it a scum move

i'm voting poly with how aggressively he's pursuing people that went after ffm

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