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Just a quick story for you all.


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what's up guys, my names umezono, pleasure to meet you all. i thought id tell you guys a lil story about what fe means to me lol.

for a lot of people video games are just a passing phase in their life, and i guess for me thats true as well. i don't play video games nearly as often as i did in the past and as i continue to grow up, i'm sure it'll only be less and less. one thing that will never change is my appreciation for fire emblem. that series is undoubtedly my favorite of all, and fire emblem 7 the greatest game i have ever played. before i got fire emblem 7, i only knew about fire emblem, like the rest of america probably, through marth and roy. i really liked playing as roy in super smash bros melee, even though i was really young and would never have been able to grasp the concept that he was a pretty sucky character. roy and marth were really cool, they were typical anime heros with flashy sword techniques. but my knowledge of fe stopped there- they were just cool. i thought they were part of the same game lol.

everything changed on my birthday in 2003. my aunt bought me a copy of fire emblem: blazing sword for my birthday. when i first popped that cartridge into the gameboy and fired it up, i got my first taste of everything fire emblem had to offer with that absolutely stunning opening track. even at my age, where i really just played video games for the rapid stimulation (i had a lot of platformers, super mario world being my favorite,) i was mesmerized by yuka tsujiyoko's medley. it transported me to a world that i never wanted to leave. one where fantasy was abound, action was plentiful, and one where my heart was captured.

i quickly picked up the game even though by all intents and purposes it was my first real strategy game since pokemon yellow. i spent hours playing the game. back then i was still in elementary school or something like that, so my parents didn't really want to let us play video games. me and my brother both had been diagnosed with adhd so part of that struggle was always gettin caught up with the screen. i have a lot of fond memories of hiding my gameboy advance until it was late, and then playing the game until 2 am or later. id often fall asleep with it still on.

fire emblem hit all the right points for me. the characters were likable, and the gameplay allowed me to raisethe units like as if i really was the head tactician. i established a bond of loyalty with my favorite characters, and even though my first run was really bad (i ended up using all the promoted units you got in later chapters, and my lords were underleveled and absymal lol) i had so much fun along the way. i loved the music, from together we ride to raid to my personal favorite- softly with grace. the plotline was engaging, and even though i sometimes got impatient and skipped stuff, it resonated with me. the game was perfect, and really nothing could compare to it. as far as i could get into pokemon ruby or some other shit like that I would always be coming back to fe7. i played through the game multiple times, multiple difficulties. i never once got bored of fire emblem. once sacred stones hit the US, i was in middle school and my appreciation had not waned. from there it was history, ive played every game since. and ive gone back and tried to play as many of the old ones as possible.

i still play romhacks of the gba fire emblems because they remain my favorite. the spritework, the concepts, everything about them holds a somewhat magical quality to them. i play awakening, but since im not much of a devoted gamer anymore, i've yet to really sit down and finish it. but for some reason loading up fe7 awakens that kid inside of me, and i can play it for a couple hours no sweat.

there's little i can say to describe the effect fire emblem 7 had on me. i never had much i was good at. im a big reader and i loved to write, but when it came to other stuff i was pretty terrible. yeah i was a big nerd lol, but fire emblem gave me a world that i could master. learning the ins and out, learning the units, it made me really happy to feel like i had something i was an authority in. srpgs are probably the only genre of video game i can call myself good at now, and its fire emblem 7 that gave me that pride. even now, as i go through college, its still a game i can return to. it reminds me of all the fun i had playing games as a kid. i actually made some of my best friends through talking about this damn game (i brought my gba to school for lunchtime), friends that to this day i'd die for. nowadays i still listen to a lot of vgm, and a lot of music in general, but yuka tsujiyoko's pieces hold a special place for me. fire emblems a great game, and for all the guys out there with kids still in them, im sure you can share the sentiment that one game can make a world of difference.

Edited by Umezono
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Welcome to the forest, mate. Enjoy your stay, yeah?

Nice story, by the way. The GBA era was truly magical; for more than just FE. Still one of my favorite systems to this day.

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