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It's showtime.

[spoiler=Game rules]1. This game is OC, or Outside Contact, which means that you can talk to whoever you want whenever you want as long as you're both alive. Invite me to any SF PMs and Skype conversations (skype name is reinflechezero), and give me any logs from discussions elsewhere, like IRC (also if you make a channel/need help making a channel tell me because I know what I'm doing). I'm Reinfleche on the SF mafia IRC, check the mafia HQ opening post if you need help joining IRC.

2. Don't quote anything in your role PM, if you want to claim paraphrase. If you want to quote other things I say to you, you're free to, and I can help fake logs if you'd like.

3. No inviting people to conversations they weren't in from the start, with the exception of subs.

4. Don't share any screenshots, if you want to screenshot something for future reference put it in your role PM only.

5. Don't talk if you're dead, don't say anything to anyone if you're dead.

6. Modkilling yourself wont help you or your team, don't do it! Contrary to popular belief I don't actually like modkilling people every game I host ever. Rules are guidelines to follow, not things to try and push and see what you can get away with.

7. Editing is allowed. Don't edit votes for any reason except a typo. If you edit something out of a post tell me what it was in PM/ give me a screenshot. Don't edit after you die.

8. Ask me if you aren't sure about something.

9. Don't be an asshole. This is a game meant to be fun for the players and the hosts, so doing stuff to detract from peoples enjoyment of the game is generally not a formula for success.

[spoiler=Setup information]1. There are two known factions in this game. There may be more. Town is The Valiant, mafia is The United. Their win conditions are "You are aligned with [The Valiant/The United] and win if you eliminate all threats to your faction, or this is in some way inevitable." for all of these factions.

2. This game doesn't have any items. So don't claim thief.

3. There are no hidden players.

4. There are no fools, lynchers, or any variant of said roles in this game.

5. Death may or may not be the end for you.

6. If your role PM contradicts the rules or setup info, your role PM is correct, except for rules 3 and 4.

7. You may not self target (unless your role PM says you can).

8. Inspection results are not guaranteed to be accurate.

9. This game starts on Day 1. Days phases are 60 hours, night phases 36 hours (this may be adjusted if I have to because of schedule). I'll end night phases early if all actions are in and everyone alive has been online since the night phase start.

10. Whoever has the most votes as determined by me at day deadline will be lynched. There are no minimum requirements for voting to lynch someone. If two people are tied for most votes, the day will end in a no lynch. If someone has over 2/3rds of all votes as determined by me, I'll end the day phase early. Vote in the format ##Vote: USER.

11. It'll be announced if The Valiant is in MYLO or LYLO at the start of any given day phase. This will only take a single opposing faction into account, however- The Valiant may be in trouble or even entirely outnumbered before this announcement.

12. I am not perfect and may make mistakes in wording- role PM phrasing is not necessarily consistent, but I did try my best. This game actually has the same problem Badass Mafia did in that I wrote role PMs on Google Drive, and thus quotation marks and apostrophes do not copy correctly, so those alone will probably account for several errors.

This game is for 18 players. If I get more than 18 players, I will randomize the playerlist, which I do every game but everyone (Proto) seems to ask me about this anyway. No you cannot be an IO, if you care that much just join. This game will not start until AMPM2 Mafia is completed, I'm just putting up signups now.


6) Euklyd- Magneto, The United Mastermind (hijack/1x eagle eye). Lynched Day 2

11) Elieson- Alucard, The Valiant Dhampir Guardian (delayed roleblocker). Killed Night 2

3) Crysta- Akuma, The United Master of the Fist (ninja/1x hitman/ numbers). Lynched Day 3

15) Proto- Horatio Caine, The Valiant Investigator (cop). Killed Night 3

18) Kay- Solid Snake, The Valiant Stealth Master (safeguard). Killed Night 3

5) Paperblade- Tony Montana, The United Kingpin (godfather/tracker). Killed Night 3

12) Lord Gaius BBM- Ganondorf, The United Dark Lord (doctor/2x persuader). Lynched Day 4

8) Blitz- Meta Knight, The Valiant Masked Warrior (watcher). Killed Night 4

17) Shinori- Leonidas I, The Valiant Spartan King (motivator). Killed Night 4

4) Snike- Chane Laforet, The United Silent Slayer (jailer/tailor). Lynched Day 5

14) Green Poet- Tal'Set, The Valiant Dinosaur Hunter (dino comics announcer). Killed Night 5

7) scorri- Zed, Solo Master of Shadows (wolf). Killed Night 6


1) SB- Koth of the Hammer, The Valiant Planeswalker (1x night divider)

2) Polydeuces- Balthier, The Valiant Leading Man (BPV mayor)

9) Junko- Thrall, The Valiant World Shaman (jack)

10) Excellen- Captain Falcon, The Valiant Leading Man (macho martyr)

13) Mancer- Tifa Lockhart, The Valiant Passionate Brawler (alt night parity cop)

16) Eurykins- Charizard, The Valiant Dragon (arsonist)

Edited by Reinfleche
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Please add me to any conversations you're in as well. It'll be interesting reading an OC game from the perspective of a spectator (...an informed one). My Skype name is refathegreat.

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Please add me to any conversations you're in as well. It'll be interesting reading an OC game from the perspective of a spectator (...an informed one). My Skype name is refathegreat.

I was going to do this but then Rein was like NO IOs

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I wanted to watch a few games before I tried to get into this again, but by the time this starts I should be confident enough.

I still remember lynching you for the lulz 5+ years ago. NO REGRETS.

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/in if this starts after the weekend when I've cleared most of my work away otherwise I'll be contented with just being a sub.

Official /in since this looks like it'll definitely start after the weekend. I might still be busy during the weekends though if it starts within the weekends itself.

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/out since I doubt this is gonna have trouble filling with ampam done.

you know that isn't true in the least bit, right??

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