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Name Of Thing «Category»

If «Category» is

Ask - Ask for permission to use it

If the thing isn't named / doesn't have a category, please assume that it's ask

If the category's "open" or "free" then do whatever with it

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Because i have sprites I'm looking to improve ;;

Might as well post everything I have so far while I'm at it:

Eliwan Sheet (Swords, Rapiers, Tomes, and Staves, includes map idle/selected) «Attribute»

Yemu4yT.png (I now notice: there is an error on his Sword Crit frames.)

Referenced and-or drawn over frames

HlOmAxA.png (Yes that's all of them >>)

Matthew/SI Sheet (Staves, Unique Weapon) «No»


Lydiiav Jehnli-Sepiali «No»

Tier 1

T1 Map Sprites


T1 Battle Animation




Elikia, the Thunder Twin (shows my process; this is not FE colors-- Elikia's... scarf-cloak-drape thingy, which I really need a name for, is a black color; so dark is my black palette that I had to use 20-28-24 as the outline instead of 40-40-40, which I actually used as a shade...)


Icon group (Not for insertion): «No»


Eapier, Pierdew, Dewnai, Naihoan, Hoanaiu, Aiusia, Sianeth, Nethwuld, Bretheren (Sealed), Ultimia's Guard

Knipier, Anokni, Gurano, Poligur, Wapoli, Seuwa, Mukseu, Alemuk, Istale, Soloist (Sealed), Ultimia's Memory

Bretheren, Bretheren, Bretheren Wings, Yangir, Wyrd Wings, Taita, Soloist Wings, Soloist, Soloist, Ultimia's Stone

Lashe, Coretu/Couretu, Haymaker, Natrus, Rageil, Ellus, Light, Dark, Heart, Ultimia's Rod

Above, but '[EX]' or 'Released', Ultimia (Sealed).

Lashe and beyond are the unsealed forms of the Ultimia, which is an Ularti (spirit/ego weapon).

Not that that matters because /sprite topic/ not /everything dump/.

Item Icons (FE Insertable)

Um, would it be a good idea to assemble these into image groups?

e.g. 'unique equip for x character', 'generic bows', etc?

Also, would it be good to have blown up copies next to the 'normal' size? ;;

Eliwan's: «No»

MC8uiuD.png - Eapier+

UVBtcnt.png - Aiusia - Shared with Elikia

oG83kTQ.png - Wuldbreth

UZ9WfKI.png - Asceroid - Knight/Horse Slaying

bCKSNjg.png - Raitei - Infinite Tome

Elikia's: «No»

T3iAAuT.png - Shoriai - Elikia +Luk Tome

3uO9A6H.png - Jactatus - Elikia Special Attack

ESioxAZ.png - Surging Dragon Lightning - Elikia Special Attack

Elphrihaim's: «No»

wD0yobF.png - Coiling Dragon Flame - Elphrihaim Special Attack

GKoXyyL.png - Torreo - Elphrihaim Special Attack

Lyd's: «No»

4ResGKJ.png - Go Jol Chai - Infinite Sword (Also known as the Sand Blade, it reconstructs itself perpetually, creating an edge that never dulls. The lack of substance to the sword, however, leaves many a non-expert failing to actually solidly hit enemies.)

3PloxUg.png - Jehnli Foil - Lyd's piercing weapon, it was previously her mother's. (Lyd's unique Rapier; Ridiculous Hit)

M0pnDhs.png - Han Shin Ryo - Blessed Demon Blade of the Desert. (FE7: Attacks at RES, can also attack at range; STR/MAG split: Can attack at range, dealing (10 + Mag) at target's Resistance.)

"Normal" Equips (not sorted) «Attribute», though uh... some of these are derp

gpuFqjF.png - Arising Sun/Supernova - Flux/Nosferatu mix, but fire.

wBKIL7i.png - Solar/Sun Blade - Adept-style 'after combat finishes extra attack'

G3I6s7o.png - Solar/Sun Spear - Adept-style 'after combat finishes extra attack'

xTO8n5s.png - Starlight - No idea yet

bDEcsvM.png - Staggacia - Creates a 'panel' that gets stretched in the center to form a bolt that hits.

fLxgUaq.png - Moonstrike - No idea yet

dOWrWDF.png - Radev - 3-4 Bow (Normal bows are 2-3)

bpgaFwN.png - Rageil - Duladin/Blade Spirit/Eliwan only

27Arusa.png - Mirti - Strong, low durability (the url for this one is '27Arusa' which sounds like a cool name :\)

icOLiSs.png - Mightus (most obvious Iron Blade edit)

WHTwZCz.png - Lanxador/Rang Edge - Ranged Sword? Thief lock?

k3Q6ydF.png - Eteru - +Res?

p3P3v3a.png - Axium - +Spd?

kfWz0n4.png - Gust; but now that I look at it again it doesn't look custom

hDad35Q.png - Implosion - Dark E

dx9ht4U.png - Coretu (Couretu; I forget now @_@; Duladin/Blade Spirit/Eliwan only; +Def)

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Yeah, it's tall. Before it was really wide {ABCDEFGH / IJKLMNOP instead of current ABCD / EFGH / IJKL / MNOP}.

row1: Pauldrons, Cape

row2: Cape

row3: Cape, Decor

row4: Pauldrons, Cape, Decor

column1: gray shirt

column2: gray sleeves, blue torso

column3: blue sleeves, gray torso

column4: blue shirt

This is a finalization of "what is Eliwan's outfit", and I'm pretty much set on using P, but I wanted to share the process.

[i want the cuff to be larger and have red circles embedded on it. I like the idea because it is simple and yet looks nice, so whenever I draw him I strive to add them in--but I didn't add it to the sprite because it was too small, so I also removed the increased-thickness of the cuff because it looked weird.]

3OZwAsP.png «No»

This was mostly a test for seeing how bad using non-black was for FE-sized/styled sprites, I was pleasantly surprised at how not-terrible it was.

3XX99C5.png «No»

Lydiiav Jehnli Sepiali, in her youngest state, is many things.

Understanding good fighting is not one of these things.

Considering changing out the red to the hip-green color, to both increase available colors and to help simplify her outfit.

5ql5oEb.png «No»

Lydiiav, dropping her titles because she dislikes them, opts for something a bit more practical than a dress on the battlefield.

It's still kind of fancy, which was something I was going for, and not the most practical piece of cloth.

I constantly smash into the color limit with Lyd--the original reason for this is because her dress / split piece (which are the same article of clothing, the latter is just cut and resewn from the former) had a gradient on it so I had to try and represent that in just a tiny palette. I've since decided that it doesn't really lose anything from being 'merely' a three-color outfit.

This sprite starts my palette-reduction spree: the skin-tone armor accents instead of red ones. I also take advantage of this in the mugshot to slightly improve the quality present there.

4xzwmN4.png «No»

Not a lot to say about this since it's just an even older version.

Importantly--and insufficiently represented in the mugshot (and I didn't even try in the battle sprite)--is that her chestplate is supposed to be a motley of many colors, degraded and repainted over many times with some speckles staying or shining through. I don't think the effect works, however, so I'm inclined to change it--especially with how I didn't even ATTEMPT to represent it on the armor. (I do have a sprite of that, actually...)

upcMZXJ.png «No»


This, actually, was Lyd's first sprite. The top of the split piece has been recolored among other things (I accidentally overstepped the limit) since then, but it is still the same otherwise. Again I have the motley on the mug, but it doesn't match up at all.

When I was relooking over the top sprite, that was actually the reason why I decided to redo her sprites with flesh-trim.

The bottom sprite... same as two snippets above.

246KeWm.png «No»

The full nonsense of everything that is Lyd. Left in the bad sprites because I felt it unnecessary to clip, but that is just me so I apologize for that vortex of bad that exists. :p

A majority of the top-left 1/3(x) 3/4(y) of this sheet is already above, but I completed some frames and adjusted the crit ones to be slightly better.

At the very bottom are some sprites I've cribbed to get myself rolling on ideas for expanding her animation--I don't like how quickly she just strikes, currently, despite the fact that it both suits her and her fighting style it looks awkward in-game because of how many not-moving frames it uses.



Random idea for tactician-unit. Cribbed cape from Shaman, got lazy with feet (they're different than the Shaman's, but like the Shaman do not actually change, ever).

The shawl? was a bit awkward to add since I kept making it move, but it moved too much so often that the end product is almost as though it doesn't move at all but if it doesn't actually move it looks weird when actually animated, so I just was mildly annoyed with that complication. At least it worked when inserted. :p


I also made some... well, in my opinion, snazzy idle animations with the red dots. I REALLY loved making those, since they were so simple (just a random pixel here or there), yet difficult (had to think o fhow it would animate). Same story with the ring above-- it was at least entertaining to do, and it just is so much nicer than the normal tactician idle.

(Also due to something stupid with the gif creator I'm using, the five-red pixels on the first frame of this turn purple. It looks fine, but they're supposed to be red. :/)


Just those map frames because I think I can get the timing right.

uuggghhh so many sprites i feel bad for just dumping like this but I keep forgetting to come here and update with things I'm doing because I am the most forgetful little silly.

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Some quite nice stuff here. Would be interesting to see a number of them animated.

As for critiques...I will have to sit down and study these to give some more helpful advice...as for now... Some proportions and shading could use some fixes... But they pass the eye test for the majority of the Battle Sprites... Nice work!

The portrait/mugs however could use a fair bit if work with proportions and shading to look right. Like... They are good efforts, but aren't quite there yet.

...anyways, cool first post. Lots of fun stuff to see and comment on! Hope to see more soon, keep it up! ...and welcome to the Spriting Forums. :D

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Nice stuff. I applaud you for having enough patience to make sheets...

To be honest, making sheets isn't that awful... If I already know how I want it to look.

That is the problem I had with Eli: I had NO IDEA what I wanted to do with him. With Heiress!Lyd, I knew exactly what I wanted: A quick simple thrust forward, because that suits both her and fencing.

With her other three classes on the other hand, I have/had no idea what I wanted to do, at all, since I could not see what would fit. Though I'm considering doing edits, since she has four classes and it is pretty obvious at least one of the remaining three has to be mostly FC again...

But she's left-handed and there are just NO left-handed sword wielders :V

Some quite nice stuff here. Would be interesting to see a number of them animated.

As said, it would be interesting to see those battle sprites animated. They have some interesting moves.

Drat. It's going to be hard to animate Lyd's crit because it uses command codes for screen shaking as a critical component of it...

In the meantime, if you want you could check it in-game? :m I can't upload videoes, sadly:

https://www.mediafire.com/?2whvzymchlefz6n<- Zip for her frames for FEditor.

Eli's return is being redone because it honestly looks like crap when animated. I'm satisfied with the dodges, but I don't want to have to assemble the dodges to upload (I don't happen to have them ready, unlike that attack loop).

As for critiques...I will have to sit down and study these to give some more helpful advice...as for now... Some proportions and shading could use some fixes... But they pass the eye test for the majority of the Battle Sprites... Nice work!

d'aww, thank you.

The portrait/mugs however could use a fair bit if work with proportions and shading to look right. Like... They are good efforts, but aren't quite there yet.

I can't figure out how to get the face to look right. It either looks too baby-faced or too sharp for Lyd.

...anyways, cool first post. Lots of fun stuff to see and comment on! Hope to see more soon, keep it up! ...and welcome to the Spriting Forums. :D


I realize you probably mean for the black line to be the eye but

I cannot unsee this.

Neither can I, and neither can my entire family. That's priceless, thank you for sharing.

Should I switch the closed-eye pixel to the other side?

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Why make the closed eye on a battle sprite anyway...I mean unless you're making Henry or Oscar, but even then the two pixels going vertically for the eye isn't that big of a deal.

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Neat, I dig the sword summon animation, it's pretty rad.

Should I switch the closed-eye pixel to the other side?


Not... really an improvement, in my opinion; it just means he stares at the viewer instead of the enemy. The fact that there's a horizontal line and two bright dots just gives off an "eyes and mouth" vibe - human eyes are very good at reading faces into things.

I think the easiest way around it would be to have him bow his head a little...


...so the hair falls over the headband (is it a headband? I'm assuming it's a headband).

Or, you could just keep it because it's pretty funny having him give enemies this burning death glare before critting them. :lol:

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Glad somebody likes that animation. I was trying to think of ways to make it unique and at the time, make sense of a magic user having a physical weapon (because no str/mag split). So I came up with the 'well, the sword is made of magic' thing and it just was nice to me, so I refined and kept it. :p

Yes, that's a headband.

Hmm. I'll try the head tilt--I don't want to cover the headband completely, it is one of the things I always associate with him on principle.

The idea of a death glare, though amusing, is not the one that suits him as a character so I must avoid that.

I feel this awkward obligation to add in a "remove cape" appearing animation and have it exist in all the rest of his frames, because I associate his cape with him a lot as well, but I don't think that a 16-frame animation to remove the cape is enough.

But on the other hand, adding in a cape to his animations would probably make him look too much like Eliwood, so I desperately want to avoid that, which is part of why he has just the jacket that he does instead of also having a cape (he's supposed to have a cape) :/

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Lydiiav's story centers around the desert.

So I get to desert map.

But I'm not a fan of desert maps. Desert maps suck like hell to play, they're so bleh.


«I can send a .map if you'd like»

So instead, I'll be making desert maps that are like this, with LOTS of "sand" instead of "desert" tiles. And I'll probably also include another oasis, but a smaller one.

Because who wants to actually play on a desert map?

Lord knows I wouldn't.

Especially since I plan to have 4-5 chapters of desert maps. :/ That would suck if they were all actual desert maps.

I have no idea, however, how to make the map look nice when I combine the two tiles, and this is the best I could get it to. :/

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So I was looking through my files to find an unrelated thing

and I found these!




SwordAttack.gif [this used to be his basic attack frames, and for his crit frames the sword would glow green. Except palette limits so :(]

They haven't changed much at all yet. I really can't think of anything to substitute for his sword and rapier return animations

rapier animation, for reference.

I.. really have no idea where to go with those, though.

My only idea is... from this wip:


Which I don't like because it looks kind of... lame. I don't know WHY, it just doesn't feel right t' use.


I wish I hadn't, but I replicated a bunch of DSFE/13 weapon icons for GBAFE uses. By hand.

Biggest time waster I ever did, dammit. I since found rips [and am disappointed in myself for not looking for rips first], so I'm not even sure I want to use them... :\

(Look farther ahead for a better collection)

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(look farther ahead for better ones)

PALETTES! I love Usenti so much.

The tanaface is too strong even for a splice, though.

...This is just all the palettes I was choosing from for the splice competition, and I can't really say which one I like the most. Some of them are kind of derpy [the blue-hair blue-shoulder one, for instance], while others were unexpectedly pleasing [the brown-and-brown one, though it is outclassed by the purple-and-brown and the gray-and-brown and the brown-and-purple in my opinion].

Though after I finished doing most of these, I realized I could have gone back and separated the hair color from the chestplate color, but alas I did not notice that anywhere near in time. Something to do with her when I possess more time, clearly.

And the edge ones are just a thing I like to do-- it makes it quicker should I decide on a new hair or armor color to try out, since I don't have to use the palette-swapper and can instead just copy-paste a few times.

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Hmm. I see what you mean in those regards... I like the hair a lot myself, and I agree with you that I should alter the aliasing so the hair looks more attached. It's supposed to be large bangs that are slicked up and out of her face.

But then I'd be doing custom work on it instead of just splicing it on, so I would kind of like to avoid that at least for now.

Though the torso, since it is thrown together from Dozla and Garcia, is entirely my fault--the Tana stops at the neck, so surely I can do something to make it look like there's more torso...


That a bit better from the torso perspective?

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If those are meant to be slicked backed bangs, you are going to need to shave off some of that hair. Her hairline is attacking her eyebrows. Rather, her hair is like super long eyebrows combed into the bangs. She also had the illusion of the far side of the head being shaved as there is no implication that she had hair on the other side flowing down like the near side. ..especially since her head is tilted that way.hair usually follow the tilt of the head unless weather chooses otherwise.

As for the torso, she has no room for her organs in there. Like, maybe a heart and a lung? She is Betty spaghetti proportions. I would lose some of the far arm for more chest. She may fit some aesthetic of Fire Emblem proportion, but is technically anatomically incorrect.

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I agree with Alpha that the hair currently doesn't quite make sense, or follow a distinct flow. I know, I know Anime hair... But good anime hair generally flows from somewhere, is semi-believable...

Where as right now the directions the hair is going in the bangs and elsewhere just don't really make sense. Its not terrible, I kinda like it actually... But it looks a bit off. The comment that it looks like a wig is actually kinda apt as it does not look quite like its attached to her head.

As Alpha said on the torso, needs to be a bit bigger. Even with FE/anime proportions.... Head should be that much larger/if larger at all than the torso. :)

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Okay, I redid the torso. And the forehead.

... It was a colossal pain to put the forehead together.

And even after I did, it looked bad, and even after I've repaired it I still think it looks very very very wrong.

but I made a palette sheet for it anyway...

X8L4UuJ.png «No»

So many weapon icons for so many characters

To wit, these are: (* = unchanged from above)

? (prf stabby), Jehnli Foil (redone icon), Nattagre, Slayer's Saber, Dry Fang, Go Jol Chai*, Han Shin Ryo*, Luna Katti (improved guard)

Nenekiri, Black Star, Solar Defender, ? (staff), Demon Edge, Sol Katti +, ? (lance), ? (axe)

iUZqOU5.png"Poor weapons"


What they lack in price:durability ratio, they make up for by having low durability and meh stats.

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Here have some help


People have eyebrows. And even when they don't, they have brow ridges. So you gotta have space there. The hair coming down on the far side is as if she has it tucked behind her ear. Also, tone it down with those bangs. You have SOOOOOOOOOOO much hair...almost like she can be Cousin It's daughter.

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Tana's head does not play nice with how I'm editing it

I am actually just throwing on shadings from the characters of the splice competition instead of doing hand shading like I should be because I keep thinking "well, it is a splice competition, so I should only need to splice and erase", since the competition rules say that "the final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs"...

:x I think I need to just make the close locks fluff more.

XN3gp8H.png Spliced more Tana-hair onto her left / our right... somehow doesn't look right

Can't figure out what to do with it :/

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