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Dinar/Dong re-evaluation.


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So, a while back my mom started listening to this guy called 'TNT Tony' or something like that. I didn't know who he was or really care, but according to him the Iraqi Dinar is about to re-evaluate bigtime, shooting up to something like $4 per Dinar. In response my mom, having heard about this from a friend (RL friend), rushed out to buy a bunch. Due to her insistence and a desire to get her to hush-up about it I decided to drop $60 bucks on it, figuring that if I got even $65 back it would be worth it and mom promised to pay me back should things not work out.

Since then I've kept quiet, teased her about it a bit, but have remained 95% skeptical. Tonight I brought in a friend to talk about it figuring that he could either point out the flaws or get info and earn his family a lot of cash. Either way I would 'win' in that my family is saved from a scam or I help out a friend. He claimed that the rate was insane and would only happen under really extreme circumstances. I did some further research tonight and found out some more info... And it's not conclusive.

Basically no one has really written anything on it, which worries me a lot. The people who say it's going to re-evaluate seem linked to each other, which could be a scam or indicate that their information is factual (though I'm inclined towards the former). The people claiming it's a scam, however, seem confined to message-boards and reddit forums, which hold about as much credibility ATM as Tony. The few places that don't seem linked to Tony yet hold more factual sway than the SF forums (no offense intended) are old articles that tend to not be definitive (they don't even mention Iraq's ISIS problem), so it is quite possible new information or happenings have come up.

My current plan is to wait till next Friday, which I recall my mother claiming would be the 'end of the fiscal year' or something like that, after which point, if said re-evaluation is true, they'd have to wait another year for budget stuff or the like and either sell my mom my dinar for $60 or simply cash in even if it's at a lower rate than the promised $4 per dinar. Whichever gives more money.

However, as I said before, the evidence is weak or indecisive either way and, in the event that this guy is a scammer (which I suspect), I want something to show my mom to convince her that it is, in fact, a scam. Please help me figure out if this is true or not and, if not, find something to show my mom. This sort of thing has happened to her before and she's currently buying into things like homeopathy (which I've told her multiple times is a scam, pointed out that, by it's logic, drinking water is akin to drinking arsenic, and so-forth and she refuses to believe me) and other such things, so solid evidence is going to be needed.

God I hate my life. No matter what happens there will be a fight or she'll be disappointed in me.

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