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Fire Emblem Multiplayer


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Fire Emblem Multiplayer is a Java-based multiplayer game that functions similarly to the GBA Fire Emblem games, with the intent of transforming it into a player vs. player game, like chess.

We have a small community over on reddit.com/r/FEMP that was started back in August of 2015. You also may or may not remember that we were featured in FEE3 2015. /r/FEMP is dedicated to playing, balancing, and improving upon the game. If you would like to see more of that, discuss FEMP, or find people to play with, go there! /r/FEMP is also where FEMP tournaments will be hosted (though, I will announce them on this thread as well).

You can find the newest releases of Fire Emblem Multiplayer here:


You can find the source code for Fire Emblem Multiplayer here:


We also have a FAQ! Reply to this topic or PM me on Reddit (/u/Pwntagonist) if you have questions that aren't on there:


Best place to find people to play FEMP is our IRC:


We have improved and fixed quite a few bugs since our showing at FEE3. The biggest fix is that unit stats are now visible in-game. However, we still have a lot more bugs to fix that would make this game function a lot more smoothly. If you are interested in helping with programming, PM reddit user eliatlarge, our head programmer (reddit.com/u/eliatlarge).

We have also done quite a few gameplay fixes already as well. For a general list of those, I encourage you to go to the subreddit and read through the Balancing Threads.

One specific thing I will mention here is that we need someone to animate the Luna spell for us. Part of our balancing involves giving Druids more tomes to work with (we recently added Eclipse, as well as a tome that lets them summon Phantoms), and Luna needs an animation. However, none of us on the sub know how to do that. Again, PM eliatlarge for details if you'd like to help us with this; we also just need decent artists in general. If this Luna animation gets done, we should have a new build released within the next week (containing many balancing updates, specifically for the Lords).

Despite me linking the FAQ above, I'm going to answer the most immediate questions right now.

Q. I wanna play this right now! Where can I find someone else to setup a game quickly?

A. Here's our IRC--> https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.snoonet.org/#FEMP. It's the easiest way to find people for a match.

Q. Why won't my server work????!!!!11?1!!

A. You need to port forward your router to 21255. Don't ask me what that means though, I've never gotten it to work. There are quite a few tutorials online, though, so definitely try to learn how to do it.

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Sweet, we have a thread here now. Since you talked about looking at the balancing threads for some changes, I'll just put the most recent two up here right now.

Back when Erk was overpowered. A lot of the ideas from this thread have already been implemented so definitely check it out -https://www.reddit.com/r/FEMP/comments/41c0ix/balancing_thread_1_addressing_the_big_problems/

And the recent Lord balancing thread where we figured that the lady lords and some holy weapons needed some tweaking. These are changes currently being thought on and worked on -


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