Online Shop

Credits: ThunderMan, Pegasus Knight

If you’re connected to the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, you can access this shop and buy items using the currency earned in the main story.


  • The Online Shop can only be accessed from Chapter 1 and onwards.
  • Each day, the Online Shop will carry a random selection of 8 items (if an item with limited stock has been bought out, this number may be less).
  • The numbers in brackets indicate the maximum amount of that item you can purchase per save file.
Name Uses Worth
Steel Sword 35 875
Silver Sword 20 2000
Killing Edge 20 1500
Levin Sword 20 1600
Wyrmslayer 15 1200
Armorslayer 20 1000
Swordslayer 12 1560
Master Sword (x3) 25 5000
Wo Dao (x5) 20 1400
Brave Sword (x3) 30 2400
Lady Sword (x3) 25 1500
Steel Lance 35 980
Silver Lance 20 2200
Javelin 30 750
Killer Lance 20 1800
Ridersbane 20 1200
Dragonpike 15 1350
Brave Lance (x3) 30 2700
Steel Axe 35 700
Silver Axe 20 1600
Hand Axe 30 540
Killer Axe 20 1400
Hammer 20 1100
Poleax 15 1050
Brave Axe (x3) 30 2100
Name Uses Worth
Steel Bow 35 770
Silver Bow 20 2100
Killer Bow 20 1600
Longbow (x3) 25 2000
Brave Bow (x3) 30 2400
Thunder 21 420
Blizzard 23 690
Shaver 30 1500
Elfire 18 1260
Nosferatu (x3) 24 2400
Bolganone 13 1690
Thoron (x3) 21 2100
Mend 16 1280
Recover (x5) 13 1690
Physic (x3) 10 1500
Fortify (x3) 12 3000
Rescue (x3) 5 1500
Barrier (x3) 18 2160
Unlock 5 1050
Again (x3) 3 2520
Master Key 5 2400
Vulnerary 3 360
Pure Water 3 600
Master Seal (x15) 1 2500
Elysian Whip (x3) 1 2500