Whew, Nintendo sure unloaded a whole lot of Fire Emblem if information recently.
In case you somehow missed all the news or want to find it all in one convenient place, here are some handy links:
By the way, even if you read the pages earlier, I’ve added many additional observations, particularly to the latter two.
On a similar note, I’ve done some fiddling around with the Fire Emblem if front page. Hopefully now it’s easier to find all the information you want!
Now, onto a separate subject. Following the Nintendo Direct, Nintendo swiftly added an eShop page for the game, along with a pre-load so fans can purchase and download the game right now (although they cannot play it until the official release date).
The concept of pre-loads might seem strange to some, but it’s actually very smart. Pre-loads are useful for digital buyers who want to start playing the game immediately following launch, since it’s already been downloaded beforehand.
Furthermore, players can avoid causing potential stress on the eShop server during the release date, when a huge number of fans will be trying to download the game at the same time.
Interestingly, the eShop page features three screenshots not shown previously. The first pair show the Avatar and Kazahana teaming up to defeat a Nohrian Dark Mage (whoa, are they female this time?).
Meanwhile, the third screenshot has an Inigo lookalike (possibly a Mercenary too…) teaming up with a female(?) Cavalier to tackle a Ninja. This battle also reinforces the notion that Guard Stance negates Attack Stance (more info here).
(Special thanks to shadowofchaos for the images.)
Before downloading the game, 24,666 blocks of space (or around 3 GB) are required. That’s a whopping amount considering the US version of Awakening requires 8,579 blocks (or around 1 GB).
After downloading the game, however, only 12,239 blocks are used, which is about half the amount. As we know, the digital version of Fire Emblem if requires two downloads–one for up to Chapter 5 and another for the selected campaign.
Perhaps the first 12,239 blocks contain all the content (i.e assets) that is shared amongst the campaigns, while the rest of the space is reserved for content exclusive to the two campaigns.
Lastly, although fans cannot play the game just yet, they can admire the game’s preview screen in the 3DS home menu.
(Special thanks to Kirokan for the block sizes and image.)
…Actually, one more thing (or two). Amazon Japan recently updated the Fire Emblem if Special Edition listing to include a picture of its delightful box.
(For those curious, the Special Edition has long since sold out in most retailers. If a similar edition is announced for the West, you can bet it’ll sell out just as quick…)
Additionally, on the game’s official site, there’s an image of a Fire Emblem if themed pre-paid eShop card, which can be purchased from participating retailers.
Rather conveniently, the pre-paid card is loaded with 2000 Yen, which is exactly enough to purchase one of the other two campaigns (or the third campaign) as DLC.