E3: Fire Emblem Fates at Nintendo Treehouse Live

Following its showing at Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event, Fire Emblem Fates was one of the many games showcased in the Nintendo Treehouse livestream afterwards.


Slightly later than planned, here’s my report of the Treehouse playthrough. Within are several details that can be easily missed.

By the way, if you missed the actual playthrough during the livestream, don’t fret because you can rewatch it here.

Although it’s slightly haphazard, I encourage taking a gander, since it shows a lot of English gameplay–and mostly during an early stage of the game, for those mindful of spoilers.

About the Author: VincentASM
Fire Emblem fan since 2002 and webmaster of Serenes Forest. Occasionally an online content editor or brand ambassador. Is a sucker for mage girls and has an unhealthy stash of Sylveon plushies.
Author Website: https://serenesforest.net