We’re now less than three weeks away from the release of Series 7 of the Fire Emblem Cipher card game. More information and cards are being released every day as we get closer, including this lovely shot of all three cards of Serra from Blazing Sword that were revealed over Twitter at the beginning of this week, including an alternate art R+ card.
Other Twitter reveals this week include promoted R cards for Florina and Lucius from the same game, as well as promoted cards for father and son Takumi and Kiragi from Fire Emblem Fates, with the latter now showcased as a Kinshi Knight, compared to his earlier rendition as a Sniper.
With Takumi’s SR now revealed, the full royal panorama is now up to seven cards long! The final card necessary to complete the image is Sakura’s SR. At the rate these cards are being revealed, we will likely see her promoted Onmyoji card next week.
Advertisements for S7 are starting to crop up in Japan as well, showcasing new cards and artwork. In the following images, we can see promoted cards for Shiro, Scarlet, and Yukimura based on art that has already been revealed, as well as a brand new, unknown card for Orochi and previously unseen art for Jakob and Eliwood.
Updates to the official FE Cipher website have also shared some new information with us, including a few small versions of cards that have yet to be revealed for Priscilla and Raven from Blazing Sword and Sumeragi and Hisame from Fates.
They even briefly discussed the upcoming Series 8 and showcased a piece of artwork depicting a Risen soldier from Awakening.
The same column that showcased these images also shared some tantalizing previews of some of the merchandise that will be available at the Cipher booth at Comiket 91 towards the end of the year. Although few details are yet known, we have images of two new Players Boxes that will be available, and also artbooks for S5 and S6.
Last year’s Players Boxes included two different sized storage boxes, two sets of unique sleeves, a deck box, a special promo card, and four new marker cards. They were hugely popular among Cipher fans and are now difficult and expensive to obtain.
It is very likely that the swimsuit Hinoka card that was shown off during the autumn livestream event will be included in one of these boxes as a promo. Since last year’s boxes included Sakura and Elise swimsuit promos, the final one may be of Camilla.
If that’s not enough merchandise for you, we’ve also received some nice, digital images of the promotional clear files for S7. Participating retail stores in Japan will be giving away one clear file for each eight Cipher booster packs purchased. Interestingly, the clear files give us a bit of a look at Onmyoji Sakura, even though her card has not yet been revealed.
Further updates have given us some more information about the upcoming pre-release livestream that will be held on December 3rd. Like most pre-release livestreams, the main focus will be to open packs and showcase cards from the newest set, but there will also be more news and artwork shared as well.
Eri Suzuki (Soleil’s Japanese VA) will be making another host appearance alongside regulars Ryota Kawade and Young. They will also be joined by three further guests: Hidenori Takahashi (Odin/Owain’s Japanese VA), Hagi Michihiko (Ike’s Japanese VA), and Rei Kondo (composer of the Awakening and Fates OST).
Cipher Series 7 will release on December 8th. We’ll continue sharing new cards and artwork as they’re released in the meantime. For more information about Cipher, including links and information on where to purchase cards outside of Japan, please check out my Newcomer’s Guide to FE Cipher.
Want to discuss this news or speculate about what else we’ll be seeing in Series 7? Feel free to visit us at the FE Cipher Subforum on the Serenes Forest forums.