Fire Emblem Heroes has officially released the female counterpart of Robin from Fire Emblem Heroes!
Robin will come with two maps, running on Normal at level 25 and Hard on level 35, unlocking a 2* and 3* version of her.
Her specialty weapon is Gronnwolf, a green tome that deals effective damage against Cavalry units, as well as possessing some neat skills for her niche. If you’re in the middle of your game, you may need to exit the game and re-enter it to initiate the download process.
In addition, a new Focus, Battling Robin has emerged, running alongside last week’s Family Bond. This focus features Fir, Tiki (Awakening), Hawkeye and Maria, netting us no new blue units but the possibility of some pretty powerful units.These of course, are available at a 3% initial appearance rate within their Focus.
Eirika, Ephraim, Julia and Seliph are not available in this focus, but still exist in their Family Bond focus. Both run until February 27.
Good luck recruiting your new Green Mage, Robin!