Cipher S8 Weekly Recap: Echoes Promos, Twitter Reveals, & Cipher Sai Photos!

The previous week has been very generous with card reveals for the upcoming Series 8 of Fire Emblem Cipher. Some of the most exciting reveals were posted earlier this week by @FireEmblemJP, giving us our first look at Cipher cards for Alm and Celica from the upcoming Fire Emblem Echoes.

These two promo cards will be included in some Echoes releases in Japan. The Celica card is exclusive to the Valentia Complete edition of the game, while Alm’s card will be included in all special editions, and also some first-run prints of the regular physical release.

Interestingly, the cards also include shots of some other Echoes characters. The characters on Alm’s card are Gray, Tobin, Kliff, and the new character Effy. Celica’s card features Genny, Mae, and Boey.

@FECipher also released a large number of cards this week. On the Awakening side, we get an abundance of double reveals. Two cards each are revealed for Aversa and Noire, an unpromoted and promoted card for both.

Aversa’s unpromoted card shows her as a Pegasus Knight, presumably before the events of the game take place, and her promoted card is surprisingly an SR. This makes her the 4th confirmed Awakening SR card after Risen King Chrom, Exalt Chrom, and Frederick.

The last Awakening reveal is a very interesting use of alternate art cards…

Kellam’s regular art R card shows him oblivious in the middle of a battle while the R+ card is the exact same, but with Kellam removed. Clearly, the R+ properly shows how everyone aside from Kellam views the battle, since no on can ever quite manage to see him.

For Genealogy of the Holy War, we get to see both a SR and alternate SR+ card for Shannan, and also an R card for his cousin Larcei. Larcei’s card seems to have an error in that she has the SR border style but is listed as an R card. Likely this will be fixed before printing.

Additional cards were revealed online thanks to @cardland_cipher. The card shop has been posting up additional pictures of the S8 advertising posters, revealing new cards for Cherche, Nah, Oifey, Henry, Arthur, and Miriel.

They also shared some artwork of Owain, Lana, Larcei, and Julia, though strangely the background of the art seems to be removed.

In other Cipher-related news, Cipher Sai West was a huge success last weekend in Osaka. @FECipher shared a number of photographs before and during the event. The pictures include shots of the venue, special guests, merchandise, and also photo-taking opportunities.

Another picture shared around twitter shows off a beautiful shot of Senri Kita’s SR Shannan art. The art was on display during Cipher Sai West, along with a few other pieces.

Cipher Sai East will take place this weekend in Tokyo. For more information about the event, including merchandise and venue information, please check out our article on the event, or the official page on the FECipher website.

Cipher Series 8 will release in just three weeks on March 17th. We’ll continue sharing new cards and artwork as they’re released in the meantime. For more information about Cipher, including links and information on where to purchase cards outside of Japan, please check out my Newcomer’s Guide to FE Cipher.

Want to discuss this news or speculate about what else we’ll be seeing revealed in Series 8? Feel free to visit us at the FE Cipher Subforum on the Serenes Forest forums.

About the Author: Kirie
Fire Emblem Cipher & Heroes News Editor