Heroes: Michalis Great Hero Battle is Back!

The next Great Hero Battle has arrived! All Fire Emblem Heroes players can now battle to earn a 3★ or 4★ version of Michalis: Ambitious King. Like Ursula, players will have to complete a difficult Lunatic Difficulty map for the 4★ version.

Earlier this week, the Michalis battle was available for a short period of time as part of a special event. This time around, it will stay open until March 28th, the standard amount of time for a Great Hero Battle. Players who already completed either map during the event will not be able to get Michalis from those same maps again.

Additionally, a new Summoning Focus is now available, with units specifically chosen to aid in the battle against Michalis. Using the new Focus, players can hope to roll 5★ versions of Eliwood, Gordin, Severa, or Minerva. This new focus will also expire on March 28th.


About the Author: Kirie
Fire Emblem Cipher & Heroes News Editor