Today, Nintendo posted their short and sweet Nintendo Direct, which covered quite a bit of incoming Nintendo goodness for the remainder of the year. Fortunately, Fire Emblem did get a bit of screentime in this quicker than quick Direct.
Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia will feature DLC (some free, some paid). Fans can take advantage of these by purchasing the DLC maps one at a time, or invest in a Season Pass, giving immediate access at a likely discounted rate. No information was confirmed for timing, content or pricing, but the Direct did hint at some new character backstories being fleshed out, as well as some new dungeons to explore.
The Japanese web site already covers this, so we can expect four initial maps to be available. Japanese players can purchase, in Japan, a 5000 Yen card which covers the cost for the first map free (with payment required for the following three sets of DLC). For translated details on what to expect, check out our Forum post covering the specs.
Lastly, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS will be releasing the final batch of amiibo, including Corrin, in June 21 worldwide. Interestingly, we’re getting both Male and Female versions of Corrin, which was revealed through some shared information covered from Fire Emblem Echoes’ usage of amiibo in battle, featuring both genders of Corrin.