Heroes: FEH Channel’s Livestream Breakdown

Well boy howdy, we got quite a pile of information for what’s coming up in Fire Emblem Heroes, and lots of it is coming sooner than you might think.

For starters, we have a new Banner coming up, featuring the 5* Focus units of Hector, Azura, Ryoma and Takumi. This banner starts in just a few hours (on 4/28) and will have unit pull rates boosted from 3% to 5%.

Two new events will also be running alongside the new banner. The “Hero Fest Log In Bonus” will continue giving players 2 free Orbs per day. There is also a “Double SP Event” wherein all heroes earn twice as much SP as usual when defeating enemies! The Focus Banner and both events will last through 7:59am UTC on May 7th.

Xander is coming up on May 2nd, and his map has been revealed. Enemy stats aren’t known beyond HP, but we do have Xander’s stats (both as an enemy, and his skills upon recruitment). If you can’t quite read the text, it points to Xander running Siegfried (16 Mt with Distant Counter built in), Armored Blow, Spur Def and the Blazing Light special.

Speaking of challenges, the next Voting Gauntlet is coming soon, and looks to be Female Mages (Linde/Sanaki/Julia/Tharja) vs Male Mages (Merric/Leo/Henry/Male Robin). The Voting Gauntlet will include some slightly altered mechanics.

If you’re on a losing team that is behind for over one hour, the score that you receive will be tripled after Battle Flag selection. As per the previous Voting Gauntlets, we can probably look forward to these banners existing as well, so if you’ve been struggling to pull that Julia or Linde, your chance is coming up soon.

Japan’s Golden Week is also upon us, and with it comes an omikuji (like an oracle’s prediction or fortune telling). On the FE Heroes site, you can click the large red button to “roll” and get your Fortune told. /u/Exalgar on reddit gave us a rough translation of this event, letting non-Japanese speakers understand what some of the kanji means.

The bottom line is that if you want to earn free Orbs and Hero Feathers, you can roll and reroll in hopes to earn “Great Luck” and thus, more goodies. More “Great Luck” rolls (indicated by the Hero using their Special Attack artwork) will actually contribute towards the Hero Feather prize, but the Orbs will simply be based on participation.

Additionally, each day from today until May 7th will feature a different color. Today is red, tomorrow is blue, the next is green, then white, and it resets back to red. However, May 6 and May 7 are “gold”. Could this be a hint that Golden Orbs will appear soon as a new summoning orb type?

Even more, we’ll have 5 new maps coming, which feature a Fire Emblem franchise staple, Terrain Effect. These maps will be available in the new Arena, which will have another method of scoring added in. As you move up the Arena Tiers (from 1 all the way to 20), you will be awarded with an increasing number of Orbs.


Finally, we get a sneak peak at what looks to be the mysterious “permanent death” mode. Now, you won’t lose Heroes permanently, so relax; this only applies for the mode itself. In this mode, there are several maps to challenge, each comprised of multiple stages. In these maps, you must deploy a designated team selected from the 5 teams you can build normally.

If one of your Heroes kicks the bucket, they disappear from the mode and you will have to replace them with another Hero. There may be a limit to how many times you can replace Heroes in a team. Progress in this mode adds to your score, which can earn you rewards like Hero Feathers or even a 5 star Hero… We even see Masked Lucina on the player’s side.

About the Author: Elieson
Single father of 2 in Texas. Avid enthusiast of tile-based games and overall upstanding fellow.
Author Website: https://serenesforest.net/