On 22nd June 2016, Series 9 of Fire Emblem Cipher–“Roaring Echoes”–was released. Earlier, we received a wealth of information via the pre-release livestream, so there aren’t that many surprises left.
To begin with, we have details about the upcoming Japanese magazine promos. The August issue of Dengeki Nintendo comes with 2 Alm promo cards, while the August issue of Nintendo Dream includes 2 Celica promo cards. Both magazines are available now.
Secondly, now that Series 9 is out in the wild, the full card list has been added to the official Cipher website. Although the list is in Japanese, you should be able to figure out who’s who by clicking the pictures.
Perhaps the most surprising card is the Necrodragon from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. While there have been “monster” cards in the form of the Awakening‘s Risen Soldiers in Series 8, it’s still a sight to behold.
Other new cards include HN Ranulf (illustrated by Senri Kita) representing the Tellius side and HN Guinevere (illustrated by Sachiko Wada) from the Elibe side.
That’s about it, but we should mention that the official Twitter account has been regularly tweeting the guest illustrations for Cipher’s 2nd anniversary, shown off previously during the Series 9 pre-release livestream.
Here they are again for your benefit!
Anyway, you may have noticed Kirie, our Cipher (and Heroes) news editor, has been away this week, so I’ve been covering for her. With luck, she’ll be back next week to show off her Series 9 cards!