Warriors: Female Robin Gameplay

The Fire Emblem Warriors Twitter has just revealed some gameplay of female Robin.

We don’t have much male Robin footage to go off of, but I did notice a new Musou attack compared to the one we’ve seen from the GameXplain video. This one features several charge attacks with lightning spheres diving around and blasting into enemies.

Until we see more of both Robins in action, we can’t be fully sure that they are 100% clones. That said, since Female Robin is confirmed to be only playable outside of story mode, it’s very likely she’s just a skin with a bit more detail.

It’s entirely possible that male Corrin will receive this same treatment–being a skin of the already announced female Corrin. However beyond these two Avatars, I highly doubt we’ll have any other “clone” characters like this.

About the Author: Jedi
Serenes Forest Editor, Male|30, A nerd of things like Falcom, Dragon Ball, Sonic, Danganronpa, RoTK/Warriors, LoTR, Fate, FE, Power Rangers, Utawarerumono, Muv Luv, etc. Currently resides in Newport, Oregon. Working at an assisted living home called Oceanview.