Cipher S10 Weekly Recap: First Daily Reveals + Summer Livestream Reminder!

Welcome to the start of another series of Fire Emblem Cipher weekly recaps! Series 10 of the Cipher TCG releases in just a little over a month. As such, the official @FEcipher twitter account has begun its daily reveals for the set.

Following the usual patterns, the first few cards show off the set’s main characters. Leif, the Lord of Thracia 776, started off the reveals this Monday. Shortly after came cards for both Male and Female versions of Kana from Fire Emblem Fates. The Fates portion of this set is based on the “Heirs of Fates” story, so most cards will be of children characters.

Next comes cost 1 cards for all three main characters of Fire Emblem Heroes! Both Sharena and Alfonse have the same card effects as their preview promos, but the art is new. Anna is a brand new card and the first time that any “Anna” has received an unpromoted card, making her eligible as an MC.

Earlier today, we almost got to see an SR card for Leif… but it seems Hans had other plans! Hans doesn’t appear in “Heirs of Fates”, but he’s still an important NPC that hasn’t yet gotten a card. Similarly, Izana will also appear in this set, as we saw his artwork in an earlier livestream.

A few hours later, Leif’s SR was posted in full, giving us our first SR reveal of the set.

Our final reveal also includes our first alternate art: an R and R+ card for Eyvel from Thracia. You can see her regular R card below, but her R+ card artwork is slightly spoilerly for a particular part in the game. Click here to view it if you’ve already played Thracia, or otherwise don’t mind being spoiled.

If you’re eager to see more S10 cards, you’re in luck! The Summer 2017 Cipher Livestream will be airing tomorrow over NicoNico. If you’d like to watch live, tune in here at 8:00pm JST (11:00am UTC) on Saturday, 19 August. If you can’t make it, we’ll be posting an article with the highlights afterward.

Kawade and Young will joined once again by Hibiku Yamamura, the voice actress for both Rinea and Shade in Fire Emblem Echoes. Hidari, the official artist for Echoes, will also be joining as a guest for the first time. The livestream will focus on showing off additional S10 cards as well as some S11 art and perhaps more Cipher-related news.

Cipher Series 10 will release next month on 21 September! In the meantime, it’ll be an exciting month of news, reveals, and speculation. For further discussion and information about Cipher, feel free to join us in the Cipher subforum of the Serenes Forest forums!

About the Author: Kirie
Fire Emblem Cipher & Heroes News Editor