Another week has brought us another five days worth of daily Fire Emblem Cipher reveals from @FEcipher! This week’s reveals feature many R+ cards, such as this lovely joined-art of Shigure and Azura from Fates. These cards have different art than their regular Rs, which we haven’t yet seen.
Additional R+ reveals include an alternate art for Mareeta from Thracia 776, which you can see her along with her regular art R. The final R+ is a signed card for Bruno from Fire Emblem Heroes, shown here along with his Cost 1 N card.
Aside from R+ cards, our second Thracia SR this set makes an appearance, Finn! The final reveal of the week is an HN card for Soleil from Fates.
The official Cipher website also updated this week with details about the sticker release promotion. Retailers will give out one sticker sheet for every eight Cipher packs purchased. There are two different themes, each with three different sheets. The two different themes will be available from different retailers. Check them out below!
Additionally, a new Frontier Column went live today! This updates gives us our first look at the official art for the two newest Cipher mascots, Alice and Valjean.
The column also shared a bunch of artwork from the upcoming S11 set this December. Some of this artwork is digital versions of artwork from The Sacred Stones that was first shown during the recent Summer Livestream.
We also get our first look at some brand new Cipher art for Fire Emblem Echoes and Fire Emblem Warriors! For Echoes, we get our first art for Forsyth and Python. For Warriors, the art is for Rowan and Lianna, the royal twins. It is likely that the Warriors portion of S11 will focus on only the original characters, much like Heroes in S10.
If you’d like to read the column in full, the wonderful bookofholsety has a complete translation that you can check out on his Cipher tumblr here.
Cipher Series 10 will release next month on 21 September! In the meantime, it’ll be an exciting month of news, reveals, and speculation. For further discussion and information about Cipher, feel free to join us in the Cipher subforum of the Serenes Forest forums!