As is becoming a wonderful trend in the art community, we’re back to share with you Together We Ride as it slates its third release just a few months from now.
If you’re unfamiliar, Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual piece in this zine features multiple characters spanning across nine games among the Fire Emblem series. Volume three consists of thirty+ full-color illustrated pages by more than twenty artists and writers, and Pre-Orders are available now on Etsy, until the end of the month.
Each individual artwork in this zine features multiple characters from different games spanning across the FE series. Volume 3 consists of thirty-six full-color illustrated and prose pages by our artists and writer (listed below), each featuring combinations chosen by them.
The third issue of Together We Ride is now available for pre-order, and features art highlighting nearly every main series Fire Emblem game since the very first, as well as the Heroes mobile app, with heavy focus on the latest main release, Fire Emblem Echoes, Shadows of Valentia.
Pre-orders will be up until October 31. Of course, there’s a pre-order bonus…several, actually. Fans who pre-order will receive a sticker set and postcards, and for more dedicated fans, an adorable 1.5″ wooden charm featuring everybody’s favorite Fire Emblem Heroes avian mascot.
The zine will be printed on a 9″|22.86cm x 6″|15.24cm gloss saddle stitched booklet.
- Booklet only [$15]
- Basic Bundle includes [$20]:
- 1 Booklet
- 2 Stickers (Mila and Duma, featured above)
- 1 Postcard
- Deluxe Bundle includes [$30]:
- 1 Booklet
- 4 Stickers (Mila, Duma, Yuna and Ashera, featured above)
- 4 Postcards
- 1 Holographic Bookmark.
- Wooden Feh Owl Keychain [$7]
I’m saving up for the Keychain, in the hopes that it’ll bring me good luck.
Preorder Date: October 1 – October 31 2017
Standard Order Date: November 1, 2017.
Release Date: Late November – Early December 2017
Lastly, Volume 4 will happen over the Winter ’17 and Spring ’18 seasons, with a focus on Fire Emblem Warriors. It’s a special e-book exclusive edition and the team is looking for fans of all skill levels to participate. If you’d like to have your artwork featured in the Volume 4, read up on the rules and requirements here.
Serenes Forest user Damosel is both the organizer and one of the contributing artists for a fan-made E-Zine, Together We Ride. Damosel, along with over a dozen other artists, have put their pens to the test, by collaborating their 36 page artbook, and their efforts feature art and designs of characters from over half of the Fire Emblem games. If you’d like to review the artists included, pay their Tumblr a visit!