It’s time for some new characters to arrive in Fire Emblem Heroes! The Children of Fate Summoning Focus contains 3 new 5★ units from Fire Emblem Fates: Soleil, Siegbert, and Shiro. Check out our earlier article for their preview trailer and a breakdown of their new skills and abilities.
To celebrate the arrival of these new heroes, we also get a new Daily Log-In Bonus! Earn up to 13 Orbs each day just for logging into the game. However, unlike other recent new character arrivals, we do not get any new Paralogues or Quests for additional Orbs. Instead, you can battle all of the new heroes in the recent Book II story updates.
Additionally, Soleil, Siegbert, and Shiro will also be Bonus Allies in the next Arena Season. Joining them is another new unit, Fjorm! Rhajat, another new unit introduced in the recent Voting Gauntlet banner, is not included. You can see the full Bonus Hero list here, thanks to @FE_Heroes_JP:
The Children of Fate Summoning Focus will last for about two weeks, ending on 18 December at 6:59am UTC. May you have the best of luck summoning new heroes to join your team!