This morning, the official Dragalia Lost website released more details on the Dragalia Lost × Fire Emblem Heroes event, titled Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes!
Alfonse is the first character from Heroes to be revealed in the crossover, and will be the first 5-star freebie within Dragalia! He’s an attack-type unit who uses swords and is of the Light element (weak to – and strong against – Dark element characters).
Alfonse will be given out to all players who participate in the upcoming event. You must include him as part of your attacking team to raise your friendship with him. Once your friendship is maxed during the event’s duration, he will become a permanent addition to your roster, staying with you even after the event ends!
As for the event itself… Defensive Battles are a new game mode where you must work together with your allies to defend your castle gate against hordes of enemies.
The event is slated to begin after the 3:00am UTC maintenance on the 26th of April, and will come to a close on the 14th of May, 5:59am UTC.
If there’s any more information revealed before the event begins, we’ll be sure to cover it here. You can check out the official source of this news update here: