Hey there folks, Jedi here, (some know me as Jedisupersonic or Serenes_Jedi). I will be streaming the first several hours of the Golden Deer route on my streaming channel over on Twitch. (https://www.twitch.tv/serenes_jedi) on the 26th, much like how I did with Fire Emblem Warriors back in 2017.
As voted by the forums here on Serenes Forest, we will be playing as Male Byleth on the Golden Deer route, and as I’ve polled both here and Reddit, our Byleth’s name will be Sirius, a rather double edged reference for both old FE itself and Harry Potter.
The stream will kick off around 11 am PDT/PST. The length of the stream will likely be until my fully charged joycons run out of battery…roughly around 5 hours.
This first stream will likely be followed by loosely-scheduled ones, and I’ll decide the timing on as it goes. There might also be a brief stream at midnight earlier in that same day, so as to test things and to get through a little bit of the Blue Lions opening. If that does happen and you catch it, expect legendary LTCer (Low Turn Counts Player) and good friend of mine, General Horace to be joining me for just our first small impressions.
Additionally, I will be laying some ground rules, which are honestly just requests for common courtesy in the chat. Outside of the ordinary requests for politeness, I just have a few specific requests:
- Please refrain from dishing out spoilers, I know some myself from all the datamining, and tons can be found on Reddit if you look hard enough, but please do not spoil stuff for the new viewers/players.
- Please do not bring up the controversy of Chris Niosi (the voice actor for Byleth!M). I’m well aware of it, and we don’t need to waste time with something we cannot control.
- I will be taking some suggestions from the chat, but I will be limited in what I’m able to do. Please understand that if I do not get to your request, it is not because I overlooked or ignored it.
That should cover everything! I hope to have a grand ol’ time, and look forward to having community involvement from fellow fans! Release is so soon! If you have any further questions or anything about 3H, you can message me at @Jedisupersonic on Twitter, or just say hello in Twitch chat, or hit me up on the Forums.