With Three Houses out in the wild now, the Fire Emblem Cipher team has begun sharing its own news. The next set, Series 18, features cards and characters from the new game, along with Awakening and The Sacred Stones. In celebration of the upcoming set, Cipher will be hosting their Cipher Summer Livestream on 24 August!
Kubocchan will be hosting for the first time, along with Cipher Producer Ryota Kawade. Voice Actors Kaito Ishikawa (Dimitri) and Hibiku Yamamura (Rinea and Shade) will also join in as guests. You can check out details and bookmark the stream links on the official site here.
Other Cipher news has also begun to trickle in as the release date gets closer. As usual, four sets of sleeves will also be coming out along with the set, featuring new artwork. The sleeves for S18 feature Male Byleth, Edelgard, Tharja, and L’Arachel.
You can also see larger versions of the sleeves in this sample-stamped image here. If you’re interested in pre-ordering them, they’re already up on AmiAmi.
A new advertisement has also revealed our first S18 cards! Check out the ad image blow. Edelgard on the left is a new card, likely from the S18 Starter Deck. Dimitri and Claude are the same as their earlier promo cards, while Robin and Ephraim are also new.
We should start getting official card reveals in just a couple weeks, shortly before the Spring Livestream airs. We’ll begin our weekly articles again once the cards start coming, so keep your eyes open!