SuperGroupies, a posh fashion brand in Japan, has announced a limited-time collaboration with the Fire Emblem series. The line up includes watches, bags and scarfs inspired by Path of Radiance, Awakening and the recently released Three Houses.
Besides Fire Emblem, SuperGroupies has also collaborated with many other franchises, usually related to gaming, anime and the like, such as Persona and NieR:Automata.
Global shipping is available–and there’s even an English version of the website, although it’s run through a machine translator. So if you are interested, you’re in luck! Just be wary that the shipping (and fees) might be costly especially with how expensive the items themselves are.
Pre-orders will be open throughout 27th August 2019 to 17th September 2019, at 12:00 (local time). The bags and scarves will be shipped out from the 2nd half of December 2019, while the watches will be leaving slightly later, from the 2nd half of February 2020.
Path of Radiance
Watch – 16,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This watch is based on the image of Ike, the son of the leader of the Greil Mercenaries.
The watch face features the design of the Divine Blade Ragnell, Ike’s signature weapon, as well as the bronze medallion, inherited from his mother. Meanwhile the back has the insignia of the Kingdom of Crimea. The blue and red colours are based on Ike’s colour scheme.
Bag – 13,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This is a backpack inspired by Ike’s outfit.
The tag features Ike’s sword [from his official artwork], his bandana and the words “Fire Emblem”. The badge is the insignia of the Greil’s Mercenaries [although you rarely see it in the game itself]. The brown belts and yellow lining are reminiscent of his outfit.
Scarf and Pin – 10,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This is a scarf inspired by Ike’s cape. A noticeable detail is that the end of the scarf is frayed, just like his cape.
The tag features Ike’s sword once again, but this time crossed with his father’s axe, Urvan. The included pin has the Greil’s Mercenaries’ insignia with the Ragnell behind it.
Watch – 16,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This watch evokes an antique gold look.
The watch face has an etching of the Fire Emblem in the centre. Meanwhile the watch hands are shaped like the Falchion, to represent the Falchion owned by Chrom and the Parallel Falchion owned by Lucina. The back of the watch has the Mark of the Exalt.
Bag – 13,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This is a simple white and navy backpack [based on Chrom’s colours]. The two front belts are coloured like the Falchion. The tag depicts Chrom’s Falchion and Lucina’s Falchion, along with the words “Fire Emblem”.
The bag features a badge of the Fire Emblem in one of the corners. Also, the inside of the bag has a similar colour scheme as the player’s Avatar–and the patterns on the Avatar’s sleeve can be seen in the pocket(s).
Scarf and Pin – 10,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This scarf is based on Chrom’s noble, white cape. A distinctive feature is the embroidery of the Mark of the Exalt.
The pin is based on Ylisse’s Fire Emblem with the two Falchions behind it.
Three Houses
Watch – 16,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This watch has an antique gold watch face attached to a black belt. Its shell is purple–one of the game’s distinctive colours–to create a luxurious look.
The front of the watch is designed based on the Goddess’s mural, while the watch hands are shaped like the Sword of the Creator. Of course, the back of the watch features the protagonist’s mystery crest.
Bag – 13,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This backpack is based on the protagonist’s black and purple colour scheme.
The flap has a tag with a picture of the Sword of the Creator and the words “Fire Emblem”. There is also a badge with the Crest of Seiros.
After opening the flap, there’s a print based on the pattern on the protagonist’s outfit. Inside the pocket(s), you can see the crest stone belonging to the Sword of Creator, which–like the version in the game–cannot normally be seen.
Scarf and Pin – 10,800 Yen (excluding tax)
This is a black scarf modeled after the protagonist’s cape. When you wear it, you can see the lining, which is based off the patterns on his/her cape!
Included is a pin based on the Sword of the Creator, with the mystery crest dangling next to it.