Today I’ll be filling in for Kirie, as we cover the third weekly recap for Series 18 of the Fire Emblem Cipher card game. For those unaware, this series features cards from the recent Three Houses, alongside old favourites from The Sacred Stones and Awakening.
The first card of this week belongs to Hubert, the tactician of the Black Eagles. He is currently a Monk, his most fitting Beginner class. No other cards of his were shown off, unlike the other Three Houses characters later on in the week.
Next in the spotlight is one Felix Hugo Fraldarius, representing the Blue Lions. His first card depicts him as a Noble, while his second card is him as a Swordmaster.
For day 3, we have two cards of Libra from Awakening. The first card shows Libra as a Priest, presumably before the events of the game. Glancing at this card, I’m not surprised he was mistaken for a Cleric… Meanwhile the second card is War Monk Libra as we know him.
On Thursday, they revealed R versions of Tana and Innes from The Sacred Stones, which combine to produce a magnificent paired artwork. This time, the duo are in their alternate promotions–Wyvern Knight for Tana and Ranger for Innes. (Although Innes can’t become a Ranger normally.)
Finally, to round off the week, here’s Claude, the leader of the Golden Deer. His first card is him in the Lord class, while his second card is a SR, depicting him as a Wyvern Master with his relic weapon Failnaught.
A bit of trivia for you. In the Japanese Three Houses, Claude’s initial class in Part 2 is known as “Dragon Lord”, to match Armored Lord and High Lord. However, this was probably changed because there’s a Dragonlord class in Radiant Dawn (which was originally known as “Lindwurm”).