With S18 already on shelves, it’s time to look to the future of Fire Emblem Cipher! Cipher Series 19 is titled “The Holy Flames of Sublime Heaven“. It will feature cards and characters from Three Houses and Genealogy of the Holy War, and releases on 12 December.
According to livestreams and pre-release advertisements, we have a bit of insight so far in the structure of the set. The 3H portion of the set will primarily focus on Edelgard‘s story and its cards will feature advanced Crest powers. The Genealogy cards, on the other hand, will prioritize the bond between parents and their children.
Thankfully, we won’t have to wait all too much longer for more information. @fecipher has announced that the Autumn Livestream will air in just a few short weeks on 9 November! Hidenori Takahashi (VA for Dedue, Owain/Odin, and Valjean) and Juri Nagatsuma (VA for Dorothea) will be joining as guests.
Based on this, we will likely start getting daily card reveals earlier that week! The livestream will also reveal many more cards, art, and news for Cipher fans.
We also have sample images of this set’s matching sleeves! This time around, the sleeves feature Female Byleth, Edelgard, Sothis, and Tailtiu.
In the meantime, feel free to hit the “Read More” button below for a look at pre-release artwork for the set. We also have links for you to pre-order booster boxes, should you be so inclined. Once more news is available, we’ll make sure to post, so stay tuned!
FE Cipher Series 19 – Pre-Release Artwork
- Edelgard
- Emperor Edelgard
- Byleth
- Hubert
- Bernadetta
- Linhardt
- Caspar
- Annette
- Rhea
- Sothis
- Alois
- Sigurd, Deirdre, and Seliph
- Selish (sketch)
- Seliph
- Aideen
- Jamke
- Lewyn
- Tailtiu
- Lana
- Larcei
- Julia
- Daisy
- Lombard
Additionally, we know that the art of Sigurd, Deirdre, and Baby Seliph will be an HR (Hero Rare) card in the set. The status of all other cards is currently unknown.
Pre-orders for Cipher Series 19 are now available on AmiAmi and elsewhere online. You’re also welcome to come visit the Cipher section of the Serenes Forest forums to chat and speculate about the upcoming set as we wait for more news!