The latest skill-based banner is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes! Spend some Orbs on the Heroes with Guard Skills Banner for your chance at Brave Veronica, Caineghis, or Laegjarn.
All three of these heroes have the Distant Guard or Close Guard C Skill.These skills give Def/Res bonuses to their allies based on their foe’s weapon type. You can either pass these skills on to other teammates, or add these allies directly to your team!
The Heroes with Guard Skills Banner will be available for a little over a week, ending on 9 November.
Additionally, the latest Day in the Life manga installment is now available! Make sure to follow the @FE_Heroes_EN twitter account for updates, or check directly on the official site. Now that the manga strips are available in English, you can see when updates are available in the Notification Screen as well.