Nintendo has shared more details about Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore ahead of its release on 17th January 2020. On the Japanese side, the official website has opened and a topic article was posted.
A lot of the information is basically explaining the original game’s premise. However, they do go into detail about some of the new content that’s exclusive to the Switch version. We’ll be covering this towards the end.
Also, there’s good news for fans of the game’s music! A soundtrack collection will be released alongside the game, on 17th January 2020 (in Japan).
Dubbed “Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Best Sound Collection” it will contain 82 tracks (22 vocal + 80 BGM) spread across 3 disks. The asking price is 4,950 Yen (including tax).
Furthermore, to celebrate the occasion, there will be a live concert at the Tokyo Dome City Hall (in Japan) on 27th June 2020. For more information about the soundtrack and concert, please check the official website (Japanese).
Nintendo has uploaded two videos, showcasing the game’s world and the battle system. Check them out below!
New EX Stories
As players progress through the main story, they can play newly added “EX Stories”. EX Stories will follow your allies as they discover new possibilities as entertainers.
You’ll be able to explore new dungeons, while fighting with your Mirages, to search for a way to fulfill their wishes and dreams. There will be new items and new songs as well!
Many New Costumes
One of the highlights of the game are the costumes that the characters wear in battle. This time, there will be new costumes, such as from Fire Emblem: Three Houses and the music video costumes from the new song “She is…”, sung by Tsubasa and Kiria.
On top of that, the DLC costumes from the “Tokyo Millennium Collection” and the “Atlus Collaboration Costume Set” are already included. Besides that, there are more collaboration costumes yet to be revealed, so stay tuned!
Update: Changed some of the wording regarding the DLC costumes.
Nintendo of America and Europe also shared a better look at Mamori’s new Officer’s Academy costume from Three Houses.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore on #NintendoSwitch includes all previously released costumes, plus some brand new ones. Here’s Mamori’s new Officers Academy outfit from #FireEmblem: Three Houses.
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) December 6, 2019
Tiki, Maiko and Barry Join In During Sessions
“Sessions” occur when you take advantage of an enemy’s weakness during battle; your allies will launch follow up attacks if they have the right attribute. In the Switch version, Tiki, Maiko and Barry who don’t usually participate in battle will join in during sessions.
Tiki can use Magic-Fire, Maiko can use Weapon-Slash and Barry can use Weapon-Cyclone; these session skills work with multiple attributes so they make it easier to connect sessions. Also, you may have noticed the trio are wearing costumes not seen elsewhere!
You can also check out the trio in action via this short video released by Nintendo of Europe.
Get a little extra help in battle from Tiki, Maiko and Barry, who can now join chainable Session attacks in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore on #NintendoSwitch.
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) December 6, 2019
Quality of Life Improvements
There’s a new “Quick Session” feature that shortens the animations during sessions, speeding up battles. Also, a mini-map has been added so it’s easier to explore dungeons. Plus the time taken to transition from map to battles has been reduced.
In addition, the “Support Quest (set of 3)” DLC for the Wii U version is already included, so you can quickly train your characters if you want to play more casually. Furthermore, from your 2nd play-through, Itsuki (the main character) can be removed from your party.
Wondering how fast battles are with “Quick Session” on? Nintendo of Europe has the answers!
That’s all for now. If it’s to your tastes, we hope you enjoy the game when it launches next month! (It’ll be my first time playing it.)