Choose Your Legends 4 is finally open for voting, and this time, there are a couple of quirks that Summoners may want to be aware of.
- For starters, if you’re logged into your Nintendo account, you will receive 100 Platinum Points (Source, Twitter). You can also receive special mobile-device Wallpapers, based on the amount of times that you have voted.
- You cannot vote for past winners, that being Ike (from Radiant Dawn), Alm, Micaiah, Eliwood, Camila, Celica, Veronica, Lyn, Roy, Hector, Masked Marth and Lucina.
- Characters from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore can be voted for. Characters that have a Carnage Form can be voted for, and exist as that character plus their partner.
- You cannot vote for Tsubasa, but you can vote for Tsubasa + Caeda.
- Characters from Fire Emblem Warriors cannot be voted for.
- You have my condolences, Jedi.
- Units from multiple titles will have their votes consolidated, and if that Hero is to win, then the style of their CYL release will be based on the game in which the winner had the most votes from.
- For instance, if Elincia were to win, and her Fire Emblem Path of Radiance votes exceeded her Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn votes, the CYL variant of Elincia would be designed based on her Path of Radiance art).
- Alternatively, ‘Timeskip’ versions of characters from Fire Emblem Three Houses (which are referred to as being from the Academy Arc or War Arc) will be based on the design of the version that has more votes.
- Be aware, that there are slight spoilers for Three Houses character(s) if you are to search for units in the War Arc.
- This also applies to the same character that may go by different names but are in effect, the same character based on having a similar personality.
- The full list of consolidated-vote characters can be viewed here.
That said, voting begins now, and lasts until January 28. Votes can only be done once per day. If you miss a day, you missed your chance, so check daily!
To vote in the Choose Your Legends 4 event, click here or visit their site (linked below)