The second Fire Emblem Heroes crossover event in Dragalia Lost, “Kindred Ties” has now started! The event will be available until the new day begins on 12th May 2020 (UTC).
During this event, players can obtain Sharena for free and try to summon for Chrom, Peony and Tiki. All four are limited-time 5-star units.
To encourage players to stay, certain content–and the ability to summon for Tiki–is locked until 4th May 2020 (UTC).
Earlier, Nintendo and Cygames shared a trailer showcasing Chrom and Peony, who are currently available to summon. For a full breakdown of their abilities (and Sharena’s), please continue to the end of our article.
If you’re interested, the rest of this article will briefly go over the specifics of the event.
Similar to the first crossover event, the game’s title screen has swapped over to a Fire Emblem theme–one that’s clearly inspired by Awakening. Heck, Chrom is more or less doing the same pose!
In case you missed it, the first crossover event, “Lost Heroes”, is currently being re-run and ends at the same time as the new one. Accompanying it is the limited-time banner featuring Marth, Fjorm and Veronica.
“Kindred Ties” is a sequel to “Lost Heroes”; the cast of Dragalia acknowledge the first event multiple times. As such, if you’ve just started Dragalia, we recommend quickly going through the first event before starting the second.
That said, “Kindred Ties” doesn’t really spoil the events of “Lost Heroes” that much, so it’s not a big deal if you just want to jump straight into the new stuff!
However, it does spoil a major development in Dragalia Lost’s Chapter 5. Unless you’re in a hurry, it would be a really good idea to at least complete Chapter 5. Still, if you happened to check Dragalia Lost’s official website, you might have a vague idea of what’s up…
Sharena is the very first face that the Dragalia crew meet this time. After a scene or two, she’ll join your party straight away. Also, unlike Alfonse–and other freebie Adventurers–you don’t need to raise her Friendship to keep her.
Presumably this is to reflect Sharena’s personality, where she quickly becomes friends with anybody she meets. Which is a really neat touch (and saves time dragging her into your party if there’s no space for her).
Like the first event, there are various quests to tackle. This time, they are divided into categories, instead of difficulty, which makes things more organised. Currently the following quests are available:
- Boss battles with Peony and Tiki (and Chrom, but he’s currently time-gated). These come in Normal, Hard and “Trial” difficulties. Normal and Hard should be doable for even newcomers, but the Trial ones can potentially be a challenge.
- Defensive battles against Thorr’s forces (vaguely inspired by Mjolnir’s Strike). In these, you must defend your castle gate from waves of enemy forces. Likewise, there are Normal, Hard and (later) Lunatic difficulties.
If you’ve been following the news or you’ve noticed the strange empty building on the screen, there will also be coliseum quests from 4th May. These will pit you against other Adventurers from Dragalia Lost.
Completing quests will earn you various rewards, as well as Universal Shards/Crystals (used to Level Up in FE Heroes, but not here) and Resolve.
Shards and crystals can be exchanged for other rewards via Treasure Trade. These include extremely useful upgrade materials, plus event-exclusive stickers and copies of Sharena’s Fensalir weapon.
Meanwhile, Resolve is a cumulative score that automatically unlocks rewards the more Resolve you’ve racked up. There are some great rewards here too, including copies of Marth’s Exalted Falchion.
The amount of Resolve earned depends on the difficulty of the quest, how well you do (in defensive battles at least) and if your party members are equipped with the following event-exclusive wyrmprints: “Welcome to the Halidom!” and “A New Look” (shown above, when unbound at least twice).
You can get a copy of each from the Treasure Trade, while you can buy more from the wyrmprint shop (via the in-game shop) using Eldwater. If you’re swimming in Eldwater, you could invest in 3 more copies of each, so all 4 party members can equip both.
To save your sanity, don’t go out of your way to earn more 1,000,000 Resolve. Although the rewards extend up to 10,000,000 Resolve, most of the good rewards stop at 1,000,000. The rest are just cool bonuses (and easily obtained elsewhere).
Besides these, you can obtain rewards by clearing daily and limited-time Endeavors (aka achievements). You should automatically clear most of these just by playing the event normally, although you will be encouraged to grind the boss battles for instance.
Now onto the summoning… At the time of writing, Chrom and Peony can be summoned via the “Kindred Ties (Part 1)” banner. It should be the first one you come to when you enter the summon screen.
Both Chrom and Peony are limited-time Adventurers, meaning they can only be summoned in this specific banner and we don’t know the next time they’ll come back (if they ever will).
If you switch to the tab on the right, you can also try to summon for Marth, Fjorm and Veronica, from last year’s banner. The same idea applies: the trio are only available in that banner and nobody knows when/if they’ll come back (although this is their 2nd time).
From 4th May (UTC), there will be a “Kindred Ties (Part 2)” banner featuring Tiki by her lonesome. Don’t ask why they decided to split up the banners… In any case, if you want to befriend Tiki, you’ll have to wait for her banner.
This is important: none of the limited-time Adventurers overlap between the 3 banners. So if you summon on Tiki’s banner, you won’t see Chrom or Peony. Or Marth and co. That means you have to be careful where you invest.
Lastly, if you’re still on the fence or don’t intend to play the game, but are interested in the event, our very own Prince of Iris is compiling the event stories on YouTube. For the record, like other events, this event is fully voiced in Japanese, but only partially in English.
Note: All abilities are from when the Adventurer is fully maxed out.
Sharena (free Adventurer)
Element: Light
Weapon: Lance
Type: Defense
Resplendent Slash: Deals light damage to enemies directly ahead and inflicts paralysis.
Luna: Deals light damage to enemies directly ahead, and reduces their defense by 5% for 10 seconds. This defense reduction will not stack.
Supreme Last Devastation II: Increases critical rate by 100% for 10 seconds when HP drops to 30% (once per quest).
Curse Res +100%: Reduces susceptibility to curses by 100%.
Paralyzed Punisher +30%: Increases damage to paralyzed enemies by 30%.
Paralyzed Punisher +8%: Increases damage to paralyzed enemies by 8%.
(Light) Paralysis = User Strength +13%: If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their strength by 13% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.
Chrom (limited-time Adventurer)
Element: Fire
Weapon: Sword
Type: Attack
Exalted Sword: Deals flame damage to enemies directly ahead, and grants the user one stack of Flames of Awakening. Flames of Awakening can stack up to three times, and each stack will progressively increase the strength of Aether. Using Aether will consume all stacks of Flames of Awakening.
Aether: Deals flame damage to target and nearby enemies, and restores 3% of the damage inflicted as HP to the user. This recovery caps at 15% of their maximum HP. Afflicted foes take extra damage. This skill’s strength will increase relative to the number of Flames of Awakening stacks the user has, and will consume all Flames of Awakening stacks and one level of the user’s skill reservoir on use.
Full HP = Strength +15%: Increases strength by 15% when HP is full.
Sleep Res +100%: Reduces susceptibility to sleep by 100%.
Rightful King: If Aether is used when user has three stacks of Flames of Awakening, and their skill reservoir is at level three, a variant called Awakening Aether will by used instead. Using Awakening Aether will consume all three stacks of Flames of Awakening and empty the user’s skill reservoir.
HP +10% & Defense +10%: Increases HP by 10% and defense by 10%. Benefits your whole team.
(Flame) Burn = User Wind Res +8%: If a team member is attuned to Flame: reduces wind damage taken by them by 8% for 15 seconds when they successfully burn an enemy. After activating, will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.
Peony (limited-time Adventurer)
Element: Light
Weapon: Wand
Type: Support
Flower of Joy: Deals light damage to the target, and inflicts paralysis. Activates “skill shift” if the attack connects. Phase II adds an additional 10% increase to the user’s defense for 10 seconds, while Phase III adds an additional 10% increase to the entire team’s strength for 10 seconds.
Gentle Dream: Deals light damage to enemies in a line, and increases the entire team’s strength by 10% and attack rate by 10% for 10 seconds. Paralyzed foes take extra damage.
Aid of the Ljosalfar II: Grants the entire team a “Life Shield” at the start of quests. Using Gentle Dream grants the user the “Empowering Dreams” effect. When this effect is active, the user’s next force strike will fill 40% of skill gauges for each team member’s initial skill (with the exception of Peony), and grant the following effects to all team members for 10 seconds, none of which stack: Increases strength by 10%, increases attack rate by 10%, increases defense by 20%, adds 5% to shadow resistance and increases movement speed by 5%. The Empowering Dreams effect cannot stack, will be consumed on use, and will not activate again for 20 seconds after activating.
Curse Res +100%: Reduces susceptibility to curses by 100%.
Paralyzed Punisher +30%: Increases damage to paralyzed enemies by 30%.
Light Damage +20%: Increases light damage by 20%. Benefits your whole team.
(Light) Defense +6%: If a team member is attuned to Light: Increases their defense by 6%. Benefits your whole team.