Today’s Heroes update brings us a few nice things some of us have been looking forward to.
First off, the new Special Banner, “Summer Passing” is now available to summon from.
Summer versions of Sacred Stones’ Lute, Selena, and Joshua as well as Harmonised Mia and Masked Marth are featured. Lute is also available in the 4-Star pool with a higher rate to be summoned! You can read more into the banner in our previous news post here.
Next up, we have the new mode Resonance Battles going live from today!
This new game mode is available under the Arena menu. Chase down the Thieves (which are thankfully limited to 1 move) before they exit the top of the map and earn rewards based on your final rank. Note that you must deploy a Harmonised Hero from at least one of the two Season’s Bonuses running (e.g. this week is Heroes and Radiant Dawn) to earn bonus points for a higher score. You can run a team without a Harmonised Hero but you won’t score so high.
Also today: Pick up your free 5-Star Special Summer Hero summon! Everybody from the previous three years is available, and you can summon one of them for free! You have nothing to lose.
The free summon is available from today until the 2nd of July 6:59am UTC, so plenty of time.