Cipher S22 Weekly Recap: Azura and more lead up to final livestream

Welcome to the last installment of our weekly recap series of Series 22 of Fire Emblem Cipher. Launching as a new booster expansion dubbed The Heroes’ Paean, this all-star set serves as conclusion to the Japanese trading card game’s five-year run.

In the weeks leading up to its October 1st release, the official Twitter account, @FEcipher, is revealing the latest cards each weekday, and we’ll be looking over them together as an overview of what’s to come.

The first day introduced a card of Azura from Fates, available either as a Super Rare or Super Rare Plus edition. Regardless of the path Corrin takes, Azura stays by their side and offers aid through magical song and fierce lancework, watching over their fate. Both versions of Azura are drawn by the veteran artist Fuzichoco.

Following that, we were presented with a new card of Medeus, the reign of terror as he appears in Mystery of the Emblem, and New Mystery of the Emblem. Having been previously foiled by Marth and his ancestor of yore, Medeus is brought back from the dead to see his mission of world conquest realized, no matter the cost. Just before Cipher comes to an end, Medeus finally makes his long awaited debut in the card game, and as a Rare card at that.

Lastly, a new card of male Byleth from Three Houses was showcased, the last member of the all-star panorama. From their inevitable encounter with thieves to their cherished days at the academy, the professor stands together with his students against the cruel fate befallen onto them. Byleth’s Super Rare is drawn by the original Three Houses artist Chinatsu Kurahana, while the Super Rare Plus version is drawn by Saori Toyota.

Photos taken at the 2019 “Everybody’s Cipher Gathering” event, originally shared from the official Twitter.

Though this has been a relatively shorter week of updates (decidedly thanks to holiday breaks), we have another thing or two to report.

Earlier this week, Intelligent Systems announced yet another major event cancellation in light of coronavirus: the Everybody’s Cipher Gathering event. Originally scheduled for this December, it was briefly postponed into 2021 before it was elected to be completely canceled. Like past years, it was an open night for food and games among fans of Cipher and all Fire Emblem, but there sadly won’t be another one in the near future (if ever again).

Earlier this year, there have been other event cancellations for pandemic reasons, including for the now-retired 3rd Hero-King Grand Prix tournament event. At this time, only the National Qualifiers and Finals, similar regulated sportings, remain for sometime in 2021.

The end approaches. Catch the very last episode of FE Cipher’s two-hour livestream program on Saturday, September 26th at 4:00 AM Pacific for more news on the TCG via YouTube or NicoNico.

Here’s where Cipher producer Ryota Kawade and Kubocchan from Intelligent Systems will be looking back on Cipher and opening the latest booster packs, together with Michihiko Hagi (voice of Ike from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn), Lynn (voice of Azura from Fates) and Yusuke Kozaki (Fire Emblem series artist). Look forward to our report after the show.

That wraps up all we have to share this week. This ends our last weekly recap about Series 22, and Cipher as a whole. But stay tuned. We hope you’ll join us tomorrow and later next week as we provide full coverage of the final set release.

Feel free to visit our forums to talk about Cipher if you have any questions or are looking to share your love for the card game.

Fire Emblem Cipher’s next and very last booster expansion set, The Heroes’ Paean, will be available from Japan starting October 1st.

About the Author: Prince of Iris
A longtime Fire Emblem fan with a passion to make things better for everyone. Enjoys playing the FE Cipher TCG and having his favorite units in FE Heroes inherit every skill he can get his hands on. You can find him on Twitter.