It’s that time again, for another Legendary Hero to join the fray. This time, we have someone who was due to receive the title eventually, in Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn’s Micaiah.
Legendary Micaiah is a Colorless Tome Infantry, Wind-affinity Legendary Hero with the Duel blessing, the Pair-Up property, and comes with a slew of new skills, including 3 PRFs and one new (likely) inheritable option in Joint Dist. Guard. , which does pretty much what you’d expect it to. As far as her PRFs go, her weapon boasts in optimal scenarios, dual-effectiveness as per normal, +23 Atk, +6 Res, guaranteed follow-ups, and on player phase, Desperation 2. Additionally, her B-PRF gives a -5 Atk/Res debuff on foes and also gives her a 30% damage reduction from 2-range enemies. If she isn’t attacking, her Assist-PRF is a unique combination of Harsh Command+ and Sacrifice, that converts penalties into bonuses, removes remaining penalties (presumably things such as movement penalties), and refills a targets HP to a max of Micaiah’s HP -1.
As always with a Legendary Hero banner, we’ll see an inclusion of an 8% Focus summoning rate on a specific set of 11 other heroes, in addition to our Legendary Hero of choice. The set includes:
- Blue
- Farina
- Ingrid
- Nagi
- Colorless
- Ashera
- Edelgard (Fallen)
- Green
- Edelgard (Legendary)
- F!Morgan (Fallen)
- Thrasir
- Red
- Lilina (Legendary)
- M!Morgan (Fallen)
- Sothis
The Legendary Hero (Micaiah: Radiant Queen) banner drops on August 31, and runs until September 6. Good luck, Summoners!
For the Japanese trailer, click here.
For Micaiah: Radiant Queen’s full art, click here (courtesy of 4Gamer.Net)