The highly anticipated Feh Channel is upon us! Without further ado, let’s dig into the news!
Choose Your Legends Round 6 Winners
The first piece of news is the big one… Here are the winners of this year’s Choose Your Legend voting event!
Awakening scores big, with Chrom and Adult Tiki taking the top male and female slots. Meanwhile Seliph from Genealogy of the Holy War and female Byleth from Three Houses bag the runner up slots.
For more results, please see here (for the top 20) and also here (for the full results).
5th Anniversary Celebration
2nd February 2022 marks the 5th anniversary of Fire Emblem Heroes. To celebrate the occasion, there are many in-game events and, of course, plenty of goodies being given out.
Here’s all the events at a glance:
- 5th Anniversary Log-In Bonus
- 5th Anniversary Quests
- Aether Raids Quests
- 5th Anniversary Tempest Trials+
- 5th Anniversary Tempest Trials+ Quests
- 5th Anniversary Grand Hero Party
- Grand Hero Party Quests
- 5th Anniversary Hero Fest
- Special Hero Summon (Year 5)
- 5th Anniversary Special Maps
- A Hero Rises 2022
- Double EXP & SP Event
- Quintuple EXP & SP Event
This year’s anniversary Log-In Bonus will grant 10 Orbs, 55 Sacred Coins, 55 Trait Fruits, 555 Heroic Grails, 1 Celestial Stone and 55 of each Dragonflower.
But there’s more. The anniversary-related quests will also provide the following:
5 Orbs, 90 + 110 Sacred Cons, 305 + 550 Divine Codes 2, 855 Aether Stones, 10 First Summon Tickets (I), 5 First Summon Tickets (II), 55 Divine Dew, 55 Refining Stones, 1 Celestial Stone and 90 + 110 of each Dragonflower.
Still hungry for more?
The daily Grand Hero Battles will be expanded to include the following:
- Sunday: Julius and Naesala
- Monday: Lloyd and Panne
- Tuesday: Oliver and Walhart
- Wednesday: Lyon and Jamke
- Thursday: Fallen Takumi and Garon
- Friday: Saias and Aversa
- Saturday: Male Kanna and Gharnef
5-star versions of these Heroes will also be available in daily quests between 1st and 15th February 2022 (PST).
Moving on, the 5th Anniversary Hero Fest will be held from 1st February to 1st March 2022 (PST). The featured Heroes are Yuri, Plumeria, Legendary Dimitri and Bridal Catria + Thea.
Also from 1st February to 1st March 2022 (PST), there will be a free Special Hero Summon, featuring all the Special Heroes from Year 5. Up to this year’s New Year’s Special Heroes, but not including the current Hatari-themed Special Heroes.
Almost there! You can never have too many Orbs; if you want more, there will be 26 available from completing the 5th Anniversary Special Maps.
Last but not least, A Hero Rises 2022 has now started! Click here to visit the site and get your votes in! Including today, there will be 7 days of voting, followed by a Voting Gauntlet on 25th February 2022 (PST) and the distribution of the winner on 10th March 2022 (PST).
If your favorite doesn’t win, all hope isn’t lost, because there will be a summoning event with the top 4 as well. This event will feature a guaranteed summon after 40 summons, available for all players.
Valentine’s Summoning Event
Five (six if you count the Duo partner) Heroes from Awakening will be appearing in the “Here with Me” summoning event from 7th February to 7th March 2022 (PST). As shown above, they’re Lucina, female Robin, Owain, Lissa and Duo Chrom + male Robin.
Lissa will be the reward from the Tempest Trials+ event. The five First Summon Tickets (II) from the Tempest Trials+ quests can be used on this summoning event.
By the way, Lucina’s pretty dress here is based on her artwork from the Fire Emblem Awakening Soundtrack.
Heroes’ Journey
A new feature will be added to the Heroes’ Journey mode: World Mirror.
The World Mirror will let you view additional mini-events featuring your chosen Heroes, with the additional gimmick that these events will be based on real time. So if it’s night time for you, your Heroes could be snuggling in a tent together.
You can earn Memory Fragments from some of these mini-events.
Version Update
The next Version Update is scheduled for 7th February 2022 (PST).
Starting with the minor stuff, the Hero Merit cap will be increased to 8000.
Two new Aether Raids map designs will be available, based on the fairy realms.
10 new Arena Maps will be added to the rotation.
A new Summoner Duels S event will begin on 16th February 2022 (UTC). It’s only for players with Favor Level of 225 or higher in regular Summoner Duels. Unlike regular duels, 4 teams are required. Further details will be provided later on.
More Heroes will be added to the Weekly Revival rotation. In total, there are 25 Heroes added between March 2019 and August 2019. Additionally, these Heroes won’t appear as 5-stars anymore and will be added to the 4-star Special category instead. Weekly Revivals will be held twice a week too.
Perhaps not too surprising, Legendary Hero remix events will be expanded to include Mythic Heroes. The next two Heroes to be featured in a remix are Hrid and Eir.
Finally, certain Special Hero revival events will include a new 4-star Special Hero Special rate. 69 Special Heroes added between March 2017 (first ever Spring Heroes) and January 2019 (bathtub adventures) will have a 3.00% chance of being summoned in this new category. In addition, 5-star focus Heroes during these revivals have a boosted 4.00% rate.
5th Anniversary Celebration Art
To wrap up, one of my favourite parts of each anniversary, click here to check out all the amazing anniversary artwork!