After Tuesday’s massive content drop, it seems we’re back to the more regular Twitter posts for Fire Emblem Engage.
Today’s post is a minor surprise; rather than continue the Brodian profiles or move to the next country, they decided to showcase Anna instead.
Anna (VA: Saori Seto) is a merchant-in-training. It seems she’s traveling around each country, in search of treasures that can be sold for a high price.
Yup, that’s Anna alright, although it seems to be a less experienced trainee this time?
By the way, we knew Anna was playable via the leaked screenshots and, as it happens, she made a sneaky appearance near the end of the “Engaging with Emblems” trailer.
A battle scene:
There may be a reason they opted to showcase Anna now; it seems she joins relatively early.
Here’s the map. It’s the same Brodian bridge map seen in Alcryst’s showcase etc. This is when Alear and gang confront Hortensia, who’s controlling Emblem Lucina.
Anna herself is a Level 7 Axe Fighter with a Short Axe. There’s also an Iron Axe in her inventory. The other allies are Alear, Vander, Clanne, Framme, Alfred, Céline, Chloé, Etie, Alcryst, Lapis and Citrinne.
Anna moves onto a Defence tile to attack. This grants Avoid +10, HP recovery +10 and negates Break.

Despite facing a lance user (with a Javelin no less), Anna takes more damage than she deals. However, Alcryst was Level 10 at the same point, so maybe she’s slightly underleveled? Or is she going to be this game’s “trainee” character? Either way, she lands a critical to net herself a tidy profit.
Finally, a conversation:
Anna: Th-the Divine One!? Oh my gosh, you’re the Divine One!? Th-this could be a great business opportunity…!
Anna: …Ahem, I’m Anna the Merchant. But feel free to just call me Anna. It’s nice to meet you!
Never change, Anna, never change.
In addition, a quick explanation of the Talk command:
You can speak to units with a Talk icon by moving adjacent to them and selecting the “Talk” command. Some units may become allies when you talk to them, so always keep an eye out for these opportunities. Also, some units will only speak to certain allies.
Nothing you probably didn’t know, although it sounds like traditional character recruitment is back. There will probably be some characters who begin as a NPC or enemy and you have to talk to them, often with the correct character.
The screenshot itself is from the second Firenese map that we saw, with NPCs along the top, seen in Boucheron’s showcase etc. I don’t think the unit that Alear is speaking to is anyone special though.