Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends Round 9 Now Open!

The annual Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends voting event is now open.

Like previous years, the two top-scoring male and two top-scoring female characters will receive special “Choose Your Legends” oufits. These should be ready around August time.

You can vote once per day between 20th to 27th February (UTC), for a total of 7 days.

Newly votable characters include:

  • Heroes Book IX: Rune, Baldr, Höðr
  • Heroes Book VIII: Heiðrún, Eikþyrnir, Læraðr
  • Heroes Book V Tempest Trial: Niðavellir, Þjazi
  • Mythic: Ullr, Elimine, Fomortiis
About the Author: VincentASM
Fire Emblem fan since 2002 and webmaster of Serenes Forest. Occasionally an online content editor or brand ambassador. Is a sucker for mage girls and has an unhealthy stash of Sylveon plushies.
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