
Credits: Pegasus Knight, Nitrodon (Devil Axe backfire rate)

Notes: All final decimals are rounded down.

Weapon Triangle

The physical weapon triangle is: Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword
The magical weapon triangle is: Anima > Light > Dark > Anima

(“>” means “is good against”)

Double Attack

Property Calculations
Attack Speed = Speed – (Weapon Weight – Constitution, take as 0 if negative) [Minimum is 0]

Double Attack if: (Attack Speed – enemy Attack Speed) >= 4


Property Type Calculations
Attack Physical = Strength + [(Weapon might + Weapon triangle bonus) x Effective bonus] + Support bonus
Magical = Magic + [(Weapon might + Weapon triangle bonus) x Effective bonus] + Support bonus
Defence Physical = Defence + Support bonus + Terrain bonus
Magical = Resistance + Support bonus + Terrain bonus
Damage = (Attack – enemy Defence) x Critical bonus

Weapon Triangle bonus: +1 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -1 if bad against enemy’s weapon

Effective bonus: 3 if weapon is effective against enemy, 1 if not

Critical bonus: 3 if critical is successful, 1 if not


Property Calculations
Accuracy = Weapon Hit + (Skill x 2) + (Luck / 2) + Support bonus + Weapon triangle bonus
Avoid = (Attack Speed x 2) + Luck + Support bonus + Terrain bonus
Staff accuracy = 30 + [(Magic – enemy Resistance) x 6] + Skill – (distance from enemy)
Battle accuracy = Accuracy – enemy’s Avoid

Weapon Triangle bonus: +10 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -10 if bad against enemy’s weapon


Property Calculations
Critical Rate = Weapon Critical + (Skill / 2) + Support bonus + Critical bonus
Critical Evade = Luck + Support bonus
Battle Critical Rate = Critical rate – enemy’s Critical evade

Critical bonus: 30 if user is a Swordmaster or Berserker

Note: Critical rate is 0 if user attacks with a Light Brand (indirect)


Property Calculations
Backfire rate = (21 – Level) % [minimum is 1]

Note: Applies for Devil Axe


Property Calculations
Foot unit Aid = Constitution – 1
Mounted unit Aid (male) = 25 – Constitution
Mounted unit Aid (female) = 20 – Constitution

Rescue if: Aid >= ally’s Constitution

Note: All non-playable enemy characters use the male mounted Aid formula.


Only items can be stolen

Weapon Ranks

Weapon Rank Required WEx Total WEx
– to E 1 1
E to D 50 51
D to C 50 101
C to B 50 151
B to A 50 201
A to S 50 251

Note 1: All weapons give 1 Weapon EXP per hit.

Note 2: Fatal hits give 2 Weapon EXP instead of 1.

Note 3: Weapon EXP is gained even if no damage is done or the attack misses.

Note 4: No Weapon EXP is obtained when using the Light Brand (indirect).

Note 5: The maximum Weapon Rank for non-promoted characters is A (Weapon EXP towards an S Rank cannot be obtained).


Property Calculation
Experience from doing damage = [31 + (enemy’s Level + enemy’s Class bonus A) – (Level + Class bonus A)] / Class power
Experience from doing no damage = 1
Experience from defeating (base) = [(enemy’s Level x enemy’s Class power) + enemy’s Class bonus B] – [(Level x Class power) + Class bonus B]
Experience from defeating enemy = Experience from doing damage + (Experience from defeating (base) + 20 + Boss bonus + Thief bonus, take as 0 if negative)

Class power: 1 for Childs, Civilians, Transporter, 2 for Soldiers, Troubadours, Bards, Mamkutes (F), Priests, Thieves, Divine Dragons and Dancers, 4 for Paladins (F), 5 for Demon Dragons, Fire Dragons and Kings, 3 for everything else.

Class bonus A: 0 for non-promoted classes, 20 for promoted classes.

Class bonus B: 0 for non-promoted classes, 40 for Bishops and Valkyrias, 60 for all other promoted classes.

Boss bonus: 40 if enemy is a boss, 0 if not.

Thief bonus: 20 if enemy is a Thief, 0 if not.