C Support
Lilina: Hello, Astohl.
Astohl: Well, if it isn’t Lady Lilina. You look as beautiful as ever. In fact, you’re so beautiful you’re making my wrinkles fade away. See?
Lilina: Astohl…you don’t change, do you? My father was saying that you’d be doing a lot better than you already are if you were more serious.
Astohl: Well, well, guess I can’t argue with that, m’lady.
Lilina: …Where did you first meet my father? He never told me anything…
Astohl: Well… It really ain’t a meeting you’d go around telling people about.
Lilina: ?
Astohl: …I was a measly thief back then. And so I decided to creep into Castle Ostia to swipe some treasure, see?
Lilina: Really?
Astohl: Yeah.
Lilina: What happened?
Astohl: Well m’lady… …Whoops, I really shouldn’t be wastin’ precious time here like this… Forgive me, m’lady, but I’ll continue the story some other time…
Lilina: Oh? What a shame…
B Support
Astohl: …It was easy getting to the treasure. I’m an expert at picking locks and stuff. Anyway, after I’d grabbed all the goodies and stepped outside the treasure chamber, bam! There he was, standing right in front of me. And wouldn’t you know, that person was…
Lilina: My father?
Astohl: Lord Hector just stood there, staring at me. He didn’t seem surprised or anything. You could tell he was somebody just by looking at him. Me? There I was, frozen in the spot, carryin’ bags of loot over both shoulders. Would he call the guards? Would he cut me down right then and there? As I was wondering what was coming up next…
Lilina: What? What happened?
Astohl: He suddenly burst out laughing, m’lady. He said, ‘Quite a man to be able to get through my castle’s security so easily. What is your name?’ And I was just standing there with my mouth hanging open. Lord Hector then boomed, ‘Would you offer your skills for the benefit of our country?’
Lilina: Wow…
Astohl: I thought he was out of his mind. But I knew he wasn’t kidding around by looking at his face. Anyway, I thought, to hell with this, and I tried to bolt out the door with the treasure. And then…
Lilina: And then?
Astohl: And then from behind me, Lord Hector…
Lilina: What? What did he do?
Astohl: He… …Whoops, I’m sorry m’lady, I really should get goin’. I’ll continue the story some other time…
Lilina: Again? Oh, well…
A Support
Astohl: Lord Hector… He didn’t move an inch even when he saw I was making my escape. So I ran. I was almost at the door, and Lord Hector still stood there motionless. I didn’t know what was going on, and I turned around and yelled at him, ‘I’m getting away! You ain’t gonna do anything!?’ A heavy voice came back to me, ‘Flee if you wish. You may keep the treasure as well. But does that make you happy? Do you want to live your life in the shadows in constant fear of being found? Is that really what you want?’ I ran like hell, m’lady. I fled from the castle, from his voice. After that, I just walked around the area aimlessly through the night. Dawn broke…and I found myself in front the castle. Lord Hector was standing there.
Lilina: ……
Astohl: Ever since then, I’ve been working for him, m’lady. He changed me.
Lilina: So that’s what happened…
Astohl: Lady Lilina, I can say this to anyone, at any time. Your father was truly an honorable man.