C Support
Clarine: Oh! We certainly do meet a lot.
Rutger: …You again?
Clarine: My name is not ‘you.’ I am Clarine.
Rutger: ……
Clarine: I have always wanted to tell you something.
Rutger: ?
Clarine: It is about how you look.
Rutger: ??
Clarine: You actually do have quite an attractive face. Of course, it would come nowhere near my beloved brother Klein, but you are quite impressive for a commoner.
Rutger: ……
Clarine: Therefore, I can use my advanced Etrurian aesthetic sense and make you into a truly handsome gentleman…
*Rutger leaves*
Clarine: Oh? Wait! Where did he go? I was not finished speaking to him! So he is just a tramp after all!
B Support
Clarine: There you are! I won’t let you go this time!
Rutger: …Knock it off.
Clarine: What!? That is no way to respond to someone’s kindness!
Rutger: You’re starting to get on my nerves.
Clarine: !! Insulting a lady like that… That…is not how a proper gentleman…should act…
Rutger: ……
Clarine: … …
Rutger: …All right, I’m sorry. ……Don’t cry.
Clarine: I-I’m not…!
Rutger: ……
Clarine: …I know he is not to blame… But why am I acting this way…?
A Support
Rutger: …Hey.
Clarine: Oh…
Rutger: You dropped this.
Clarine: What? Oh, my ribbon… You brought it to me. Thank you.
Rutger: ……
Clarine: Um… I just realized…I don’t know your name… Would you please tell me your name, if it would not be any trouble?
Rutger: …Rutger.
Clarine: Rutger… I never even thanked you for saving me… It is no wonder you don’t like me…
Rutger: ……
Clarine: Thank you for rescuing me that time… I know it is already too late, but if you would accept my thanks…
Rutger: …Not like you.
Clarine: What?
Rutger: Don’t try something you’re not used to. You’re good at screaming, so why don’t you do it?
Clarine: W-What!? What do you mean by that!?
Rutger: There you go… That’s more like you. Come like that and make me laugh once in a while, Clarine.
Clarine: !!
*Rutger leaves*
Clarine: Rutger…