C Support
Sofiya: Oh… Hello…
Niime: So, you’re the priestess of Nabata?
Sofiya: Yes… My name…is Sofiya…
Niime: A shy one, aren’t we? Well, I suppose anyone would be shy after spending her whole life in that place… You’re just like me when I was young.
Sofiya: Really…?
Niime: My name is Niime. I want to know more about your village in Nabata.
Sofiya: About the village…?
Niime: Right. Oh, before that… Are you human, or Dragon?
Sofiya: …… I am human… At least…my father was human…
Niime: I see… Forget about it. Sorry for being so intrusive.
B Support
Sofiya: Arcadia…is inside the sandstorm… There aren’t many Dragons… But there are many people…who have Dragon blood…in them…
Niime: You said you were a priestess, but what exactly do you do? Do you go around doing rain dances?
Sofiya: I…can see…
Niime: See?
Sofiya: I can sometimes see…the future…
Niime: …Really? Is that because of the Dragon blood in you?
Sofiya: …I…don’t know…
Niime: Hm… You’d better not tell that to anyone else. Your power would be too dangerous for our enemies. Even knowing the next day’s weather could make or break a battle.
Sofiya: ……
Niime: Not all outsiders are nice people. I heard you were being held captive by Bern, but you don’t want to go through that again, do you?
Sofiya: No…I don’t…
Niime: …… …Don’t worry. Roy wouldn’t think of taking advantage of you. You’re safe here.
Sofiya: Yes…
A Support
Niime: What are Dragons, anyway? Where do they come from? What are they here for?
Sofiya: …I don’t know… I don’t know…anything specific…
Niime: Hm… I see. You don’t know anything about the Dragons, but you have their blood in you.
Sofiya: ……
Niime: If you were a normal girl, you could lead an ordinary life, not having people hunting you down for your power…
Sofiya: …… I… This is me… …Even the Dragon blood that flows in me…it is what makes who I am…
Niime: I see…you’re right. You’re a strong one.
Sofiya: Me…strong…?
Niime: Yes, you’re strong. You really are just like me when I was young.
Sofiya: I…I see…