C Support
Farina: Hey, kid! Come here!
Dart: Hm? Who are you?
Farina: I’m Farina. I just want to ask you something. How much are they paying you?
Dart: What? Why do you want to know?
Farina: Don’t change the subject! Just tell me! My honor depends upon your answer!
Dart: What are you talking about? You’re a real strange one, you know? I’m not being paid a single doubloon.
Farina: Are you serious!?!
Dart: Why are you so shocked? I mean, I get to travel a lot… It’s not like I have to pay for anything…
Farina: Whoa… I just can’t believe it… You must be the stupidest person I have ever met…
Dart: Now watch that pretty little mouth of yours, lass, before I turn it sideways!
Farina: So I guess my 20,000 gold wage really is the highest here… Well, who should be surprised? I am quite simply the finest mercenary that money can buy…
Dart: Hah! 20,000 gold! You put your life on the line for that chump change!? Man, oh, man… Some people just got stupid for cash…
Farina: What did you just say!? Well then, what are you here for!?
Dart: Haw! You want to know? I’m here for me!! I’m a big guy, and I’ve got big dreams!
Farina: Yeah, I bet. You probably don’t have two coppers to rub together, and here you are, talking about dreams!
Dart: What would you know about it!?
B Support
Farina: All right, I’ll bite. What’s your dream, big guy?
Dart: Well, it’s this…
Farina: Whoo, that smells musty… What is it?
Dart: Don’t get all squeamish on me, now, girlie. It’s a treasure map… It belonged to the legendary pirate king, Han Gak. If I can just decipher the riddles he used to mark the location of his buried treasure, then I should be able to find it…
Farina: So…treasure, huh? How much do you think it’s worth?
Dart: Well, at least one hundred million, I’ll wager…
Farina: That much, huh? …… Wait a second!! Did you just say ONE HUNDRED MILLION–?
Dart: Whoa!
Farina: Now…is that thing for real!? You wouldn’t lie about money, right!? Tell me you wouldn’t!!
Dart: Now hold on, relax, just calm down… It’s the real thing, I swear.
Farina: I can’t believe it… I mean, just think… But wait…how would a wharf rat like you get hold of something like that?
Dart: …Wharf rat?
Farina: Right, forget about it… But let’s just say…
Dart: Yeah?
Farina: That map is probably fake, but let’s just say I were to buy it from you… How would…3,000 gold sound?
Dart: You think me daft, woman?! Who would sell their dream for a few clinking coins in their pocket!? My answer is no, whatever the price.
Farina: But…it’s so obviously a fake!!
Dart: What!? Open your beady little eyes and look here, missy! The pirate king signed his mark, right here!
Farina: Where? Mmm… Anyone could have written that!
Dart: Shut yer trap! Compare it to the one on this letter of his… Ha! Now, you see it, don’t you!
Farina: Haha… Sucker… Thanks for the look at the map… I think I’ll just go find it myself!
Dart: Nggh! You gold-snatching with! Well, all I have to do is decipher the riddle before she does… And I’ll find that treasure first! Or my name isn’t Dart!
A Support
Farina: “The treasure lies on the other side of the door that separates fire and water.” Fire and water, huh? The Nabata desert, maybe?
Dart: Don’t you wish! See! That’s why it’s going to take a pirate’s mind to unravel this one, lassie! It’s got to be the Dragon’s Gate on the Dread Isle!
Farina: Really? That doesn’t sound right for some reason…
Dart: Yeah, well maybe that’s because you weren’t paying attention to this bit that says “The hidden white fang…” That’s gotta be the Ilian wyvern’s…
Farina: No way. There are no wyverns in Ilia…
Dart: A-Are you serious? Then that would mean… Aww…
Farina: Just so we’re straight, it’s going to be “early bird gets the worm,” right? Of course, only one of us can fly like a bird, right?
Dart: You think I’d let a gold-snatching witch like you beat me to it?
Farina: What?! Don’t act like you’re not in it for the treasure, too! You find that treasure, and you’ll be rich, right? You’ve got all these grand dreams, but you’re just in it for the loot!
Dart: Don’t be a bleeding idiot… Dart the pirate is not such a small man! Being rich is boring! My dream is this: I want to find that treasure, hide it again, make a map that leads to it, and pass out a few copies all over the world!!
Farina: What?!
Dart: Don’t you get it? I’m a pirate’s pirate! There’ll be sea dogs the world over looking for the treasure of Dart, the legendary pirate king! What do you think? Isn’t it exciting?
Farina: …You are the stupidest pirate I have ever met…
Dart: Hey! Are you stomping on my dream?!
Farina: Well, what do you want me to say…? Let’s see…the phrase “Pearls before swine,” comes to mind… Aww, forget about it. I’m going to find that treasure first anyway…
Dart: Over my dead body! You’ll never get that treasure!