C Support
Kent: Lord Wallace!
Wallace: Kent.
Kent: It is an honor to serve with you again! Where have you traveled since we parted last year? We didn’t know where you had gone, and Lady Lyndis became rather worried.
Wallace: Hm? Oh, er… Yes, well… I just…wandered about. I felt that I had lost some of my former strength, so I tried to train myself back into shape.
Kent: I see…
Wallace: And you… Have you kept your training?
Kent: Rest assure. I train hard every day.
Wallace: Lady Lyndis seems to have settled into her new role nicely. She has acquired the air of a noblewoman.
Kent: Yes, she truly is…a remarkable person.
Wallace: I had not seen her in a long time… But she looks more like Lady Madelyn every day…
Kent: Now that you mention it… When Lady Madelyn eloped 17 years ago, you were already in the knight brigade, weren’t you?
Wallace: Yes. I knew both Lady Madelyn and Hassar.
Kent: Lord Hassar… Lady Lyndis’s father?
Wallace: Yes. He was my good friend. He was tight-lipped like all men of Sacae, but… He had the same deep, honest eyes as Lady Lyndis.
B Support
Kent: When Lady Lyndis’s parents eloped, I heard that Lord Hausen became terribly angry…
Wallace: Yes. He was usually warm and kind, but his demeanor changed entirely when it came to Lady Madelyn’s welfare. I was ordered to bring them both back. I was told to resort to force against Hassar if he resisted.
Kent: That is quite a shock… I cannot imagine such an order from our kind lord now…
Wallace: I accepted my orders and set out to find them… Lady Madelyn was not accustomed to hard travel, and I found them soon… But I could not take them.
Kent: Why is that?
Wallace: They both said the same thing. Each said, “I am to blame. Do not harm the other.”
Kent: ……
Wallace: In the end, I closed my eyes and let them cross the border… I told the marquess that they eluded me.
Kent: You disobeyed an order from your liege?!
Wallace: …Yes, and I spent six months in the dungeon for it… Considering his anger at the time, he was probably being lenient with me.
Kent: But why did you do it? I can certainly understand it must have been a hard order to follow, but…to disobey your lord is unthinkable for a knight…
Wallace: So it is. But what would you have done? Would you have dragged Lady Madelyn back to the castle, ending their chance for love? She might have taken her own life if faced with such grief. And Lady Lyndis would never have been born…
Kent: No…
Wallace: When the marquess fell ill last year, Lundgren seized power in Caelin. What would you have done then? Would you have served Lundgren because you had sworn fealty to Caelin?
Kent: ……
Wallace: For knights in the service of a lord, an order is absolute. But a knight does not follow orders blindly. Before obeying, a knight should always consider whether the order serves the lord who gives it.
A Support
Kent: Lord Wallace!
Wallace: Ahh, Kent! I have been watching you in battle. You seem to have improved greatly.
Kent: It is all thanks to your training, Lord Wallace! By the way, m’lord…
Wallace: Yes?
Kent: Lord Hausen thanked you after the fact, did he not? So your disobedience was in fact…prudent. I do not know how I could follow such an example… I have so long believed that a knight owed blind obedience to his lord… However… I… How do you know? How do you know what your loyalty truly requires of you?
Wallace: Kent. You must decide for yourself.
Kent: I must decide…? But…
Wallace: My disobedience was actually in setting out to do the thing I knew was wrong. I knew this before I even set out to recover Lady Madelyn. Loyalty to one’s lord is like love itself. So long as you keep the love of your lord in your heart, your loyalty never truly wavers. Wouldn’t you agree?
Kent: Yes… Certainly, it is as you say. Thank you, Lord Wallace. I still have so much to learn from you. Please, continue to instruct me always…
Wallace: Bahahahahaha!! Of course! I’m not going back into retirement now! I can’t let you young pups take all of the glory! Now, back to battle! Follow me, Kent!
Kent: Aye!