Other Data

Class Base Stats Other Data
  • Dragon Child has Sword A in the Prologue.
  • Fell Child (Veyle) has Dark Spirit as an enemy.
  • If a weapon rank has ^ next to it, it will bumped up to the next rank if the character has an innate Proficiency. Eg. Lance B^ becomes Lance A if the character has an innate Lance Proficiency.
  • For classes with multiple weapon choices, they exist as separate classes in the in-game class list. For example, there are three Paladins, wielding Sword, Lance or Axe.
  • Maddening Skills are additional skills that Level 5+ enemies occasionally have in Maddening mode.
Name Weak Type Weapons Level 5 Skill Maddening Skill
Dragon Child Dragon Dragon Sword B*
Divine Dragon Dragon Dragon Sword A Arts B Divine Spirit
Fell Child (Veyle) Fell Dragon Dragon Knife B Tome S Fell Spirit*
Noble (Alfred) Cavalry Cavalry Lance B
Avenir Cavalry Cavalry Sword B Lance A Golden Lotus
Noble (Céline) Mystical Sword B Tome B
Vidame Mystical Sword B Tome A Staff B Ignis
Lord (Diamant) Backup Sword B
Successeur Backup Sword S Axe A Sol
Lord (Alcryst) Covert Bow B
Tireur d’élite Covert Bow S Luna
Wing Tamer (Ivy) FlyingDragon Flying Tome B Staff B
Lindwurm FlyingDragon Flying Tome S Staff B Grasping Void
Wing Tamer (Hort.) Flying Flying Tome B Staff B
Sleipnir Rider Flying Flying Tome B Staff S World Tree
Sentinel (Timerra) Backup Lance B
Picket Backup Lance S Sandstorm
Sentinel (Fogado) Cavalry Cavalry Bow B
Cupido Cavalry Cavalry Sword B Bow A Back at You
Sword Fighter Backup Sword B
Swordmaster Backup Sword S Run Through Death Blow
Hero Backup Sword A Lance C^
Sword A Axe C^
Brave Assist Triangle Adept
Lance Fighter Backup Lance B
Halberdier Backup Lance S Pincer Attack Seal Speed
Royal Knight Cavalry Cavalry Lance A Staff C^ Reforge Darting Stance
Axe Fighter Backup Axe B
Berserker Backup Axe S Smash+ Cornered Beast
Warrior Backup Axe A Bow C^ Merciless Fierce Stance
Archer Covert Bow B
Sniper Covert Bow S No Distractions Seal Defense
Bow Knight Cavalry Cavalry Sword C^ Bow A
Lance C^ Bow A
Axe C^ Bow A
Careful Aim Seal Strength
Sword Armor Armor Armor Sword B
Lance Armor Armor Armor Lance B
Axe Armor Armor Armor Axe B
General Armor Armor Sword A^
Lance A^
Axe A^
Swap Steady Stance
Great Knight CavalryArmor Cavalry Sword B^ Lance B^
Sword B^ Axe B^
Lance B^ Axe B^
Allied Defense Warding Stance
Sword Cavalier Cavalry Cavalry Sword B
Lance Cavalier Cavalry Cavalry Lance B
Axe Cavalier Cavalry Cavalry Axe B
Paladin Cavalry Cavalry Sword A^
Lance A^
Axe A^
Pivot Swordbreaker
Wolf Knight Cavalry Cavalry Sword B^ Knife A^
Lance B^ Knife A^
Axe B^ Knife A^
Hobble Poison Strike
Mage Mystical Tome B
Sage Mystical Tome S Staff B^ Spell Harmony Seal Resistance
Mage Knight Cavalry Cavalry Sword B^ Tome A
Lance B^ Tome A
Axe B^ Tome A
Chaos Style Seal Magic
Martial Monk Qi Adept Staff B Arts C
Martial Master Qi Adept Staff A Arts S Diffuse Healer Self-Destruct
High Priest Mystical Tome B^ Staff S Arts C^ Self-Healing Warding Blow
Sword Flier Flying Flying Sword B
Lance Flier Flying Flying Lance B
Axe Flier Flying Flying Axe B
Griffin Knight Flying Flying Sword A^ Staff C^
Lance A^ Staff C^
Axe A^ Staff C^
Clear the Way Darting Blow
Wyvern Knight FlyingDragon Flying Sword B^ Lance B^
Sword B^ Axe B^
Lance B^ Axe B^
Air Raid Certain Blow
Thief Covert Knife S Pass Savage Blow
Dancer Qi Adept Arts A Special Dance
Fell Child (Nel) Fell Dragon Dragon Lance A Special S Resist Emblems
Fell Child (Rafal) Fell Dragon Dragon Axe A Special S Spur Emblems
Fell Child (Nil) Fell Dragon Dragon Axe A Spur Emblems
Melusine (Zelestia) FlyingDragon Flying Sword A Tome S Soulblade
Enchanter Qi Adept Knife B^ Arts B^ Convoy Self-Destruct
Mage Cannoneer Armor Armor Bullet S Let Fly Steady Stance


These are used when fighting the Emblems in Trials, the Arena etc.

Note: Lucina and Hector can wield lances when summoned by Veronica, through a blue stone.

Name Weak Type Weapons Level 5 Skill Maddening Skill
Emblem (Marth) Backup Sword S
Emblem (Sigurd) Cavalry Cavalry Sword S Lance S
Emblem (Celica) Mystical Sword S Tome S Staff S
Emblem (Micaiah) Mystical Tome S Staff S
Emblem (Roy) Backup Sword S
Emblem (Leif) Backup Sword S Lance S Axe S Bow S
Emblem (Lucina) Backup Sword S Lance S* Bow S
Emblem (Lyn) Backup Sword S Bow S
Emblem (Ike) Armor Sword S Axe S
Emblem (Byleth) Backup Sword S Arts S
Emblem (Corrin) Dragon Dragon Sword S
Emblem (Eirika) Backup Sword S
Emblem (Edelgard) Armor Backup Axe S
Emblem (Dimitri) Backup Lance S
Emblem (Claude) Backup Bow S
Emblem (Tiki) Dragon Dragon Special S
Emblem (Hector) Armor Armor Sword S Lance S* Axe S
Emblem (Veronica) Mystical Tome S Staff S
Emblem (Soren) Mystical Knife S Tome S Staff S
Emblem (Camilla) Flying Flying Axe S Tome S
Emblem (Chrom) Backup Sword S
Emblem (Robin) Backup Sword S Tome S



  • Fell Monarch does not have Dark Spirit in the Prologue.
  • Great Fell Dragon does not have Dark Spirit in the Fell Xenologue.
Name Weak Type Weapons Level 5 Skill Maddening Skill
Fell Child (Alear) Fell Dragon Dragon Sword A Dark Spirit
Fell Monarch Fell Dragon Dragon Tome S Dark Spirit*
Great Fell Dragon Fell Dragon Dragon Special S Dark Spirit*
Melusine (Zephia) FlyingDragon Flying Sword S Tome A Soulblade
Barbarian Backup Axe A Life and Death
Corrupted Wyrm Fell DragonCorrupted Dragon Special S Spirit Strike
Phantom Wyrm Dragon Dragon Special S Spirit Strike
Villager None None
Corrupted Wolf Corrupted Backup Special S Pack Hunter Duelist’s Blow
Phantom Wolf Backup Special S Pack Hunter Duelist’s Blow
Corrupted Wyvern FlyingFell DragonCorrupted Dragon Special S Miasma Domain Spirit Strike
Phantom Wyvern FlyingDragon Dragon Special S Frost Domain Spirit Strike
Royal (Alfred) CavalryCorrupted Cavalry Sword B Lance A Golden Lotus
Royal (Céline) Corrupted Mystical Sword B Tome A Staff B Ignis
Warden (Diamant) Corrupted Backup Sword S Axe A Sol
Warden (Alcryst) Corrupted Covert Bow S Luna
Trainer (Ivy) FlyingDragonCorrupted Flying Tome S Staff B Grasping Void
Trainer (Hortensia) FlyingCorrupted Flying Tome B Staff S World Tree
Watcher (Timerra) Corrupted Backup Lance S Sandstorm
Watcher (Fogado) CavalryCorrupted Cavalry Sword B Bow A Back at You